Hope Circle meets

Seven members of Hope Circle met on Thursday, Feb. 9, at Spirit of Faith Church with Vicki Linke as hostess. Attending were, Jo Ann Schladweiler, Jannet Larson, Barb Coulthard, Evelyn Mitzel, Vickie Hines, Vicki Linke and Sue Larson.
Following a meal of Papa Murphy’s pizza, veggies and rainbow sherbet, Vicki read devotions and called the meeting to order. Sue Larson, secretary/treasurer, read the previous minutes and gave the financial report. A thank you note was read from Stan Maakestad for the Christmas care basket he received from the group.
JoAnn Schladweiler gave the W/ELCA financial report.
Spirit of Faith will be responsible for the weekend snacks for the Snack Pack program at the Woonsocket School for the months of February and April. Approximately $1,500 is needed per school year to fund the project. We have utilized the Thrivent Action Team allowance of $250 available to members twice a year to help with expenses.
Another Thrivent Action Team allowance of $250 will be used to purchase fabric, as it was decided to make quilts for the high school seniors who will be recognized this May.
Hope Circle will entertain at the monthly birthday party at Prairie View Healthcare Community on Feb. 21 at 3 p.m.
Quilting and kit assembly for missions will meet on Thursday, Feb. 16, at the church. On Feb. 2, there were two quilts, 15 layettes and five health kits completed.
Ash Wednesday is March 1. Pastor Rhonda Wellsandt-Zell will do a worship service with communion beginning at 7 p.m. at Spirit of Faith.
The March hostess will be Jacki Aymar. The date has been changed due to the State B Girls Basketball Tournament falling on our regular date. We also plan to meet at PVHC at 5:30 p.m. in the activity room.
A sign-up sheet was passed to indicate an interest in an all-inclusive women’s group within our congregation.
Our Bible study was entitled “Galatians: Christian Faith and Christian Freedom” from Galatians 2:19-3:29.

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