BELOVED LUNCH Lady Joyce Everhart is recognized by Principal Connie Vermeulen at her last Christmas dinner or community “event,” due to her delicious cooking.
On Friday, Dec. 15, Sanborn Central School had a Christmas dinner for faculty, staff, students and community members. Approximately 50 dinners were served to the community members, who were able to eat a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings and listen to entertainment from some of the elementary students.
Joyce Everhart and her kitchen crew of Mary Unterbrunner, Tina Luthi and Wanda Effling served the meal and the many Christmas candies and breads that they have worked on for days.
Connie Vermeulen gifted Joyce Everhart with gift cards and movie tickets. This is Joyce’s last Christmas dinner, as she will be retiring at the end of the school year. Joyce has cooked in the school system for 27 years. She will be missed by all the staff and students.