Women of Faith meet

On Wednesday evening, July 19, women of Spirit of Faith Lutheran-Methodist Church met in the church basement for an organizational meeting to determine their responsibilities to the church. Officers had been established earlier: Connie Farris is the coordinator, Vickie Hines is the vice-coordinator, and Sue Larson is the recorder. All three officers gave a devotional.
Julie Davis, Sue Larson and Connie Farris will draw up a new serving list for after-worship coffee hour. Jody Schmiedt will make a list of ushers and greeters for Sunday mornings. Deb Boschee will make a new list of scripture readers for each Sunday. Mary Ann Hopper will prepare a list of Communion servers. Sara Jensen will compile a list of acolytes for each Sunday. Jen Feistner will be responsible for the hospitality events. Mary Ann Hopper and Deb Boschee will be on the funeral committee.
The Bible study group will meet the third Thursday of each month at 2 p.m. in the church.
Hope Circle will meet on the second Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
Is there enough interest for a “Young Mothers” Bible study group? Rachel Anderson will inquire among the young women.
Vicki Berg Linke will be in charge of purchasing supplies for the church kitchen.
Members were urged to pray about once again publishing a church newsletter.
The Fall Supper was discussed. Possible dates are Sept. 24 or Oct. 1. Members who volunteered to be on the committee are Mary Ann Hopper, Sue Larson and Deb Ogle.
The group has several mission projects, including quilts, baby layettes, personal care kits, school kits, and Methodist health kits (which differ slightly from the Lutheran World Relief guidelines). The group discussed having church members donate items for these kits on a monthly rotation schedule once Wednesday Night Live begins again. August and September will be school kit items; January and February will be health kit items; March and April will be items for baby layettes; and the quilts will be on-going all year long. Mission project work days will be on the first and third Thursdays, beginning Aug. 3 at 9 a.m.
Vicki Berg Linke spoke on the newest endeavor to conduct short worship services at PVHC beginning on July 30 at 10:30 a.m. She also reported that PVHC is needing hospice care help.
The women all should be active in the greater “church-wide” activities. Prairie Rivers Conference is having their Fall Workshop in Parkston on Sept. 23.
It was unanimously agreed that the organization will be called “Women of Faith”.
The next meeting will be Oct. 18 at 6:45 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

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