Pictured are, front row, left to right: Samuel Baruth, Teagen Moody, Evan Easton, Addyson Baruth, and Miley Adams; back row: Brady Larson, Tryce Slykhuis, Teya Moody, Dayton Easton, and Jaycee Baruth.
Ten boys and girls, ages nine to 14, were named local champions of the 2018 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship and have earned the right to compete at the district level. Artesian Knights of Columbus Council 7768 sponsored the local competition at the Sanborn Central gym on Sunday, Jan. 14.
Nine-year-old champions were Miley Adams and Teagen Moody. Ten-year-old champions were Addyson Baruth and Samuel Baruth. The 11-year-old champions were Jaycee Baruth and Evan Easton. The 13-year-old division champions were Teya Moody and Brady Larson. Fourteen-year-old champions were Dayton Easton and Tryce Slykhuis. Each contestant was allowed 15 free throw attempts in the contests.
Each of these winners will compete in the district competition to be held on Feb. 18 in Howard, with an eye toward moving on to the state and international levels.