The Blackhawk basketball cheerleaders for the 2017-2018 season are pictured, left to right: Ashleigh Fry, Dana Schelske, Amber Schelske, Chloe Ruml, Aleya Fry, and Josie Weber.
Under the leadership of senior Ashleigh Fry, the Blackhawk cheerleaders have been pumping up the crowd from the sidelines to pump up the basketball teams on the court. The SCW cheerleaders cheer for both girls’ and boys’ varsity basketball games.
This year’s six-member squad put in many hours before the basketball season even started, and they still have regularly scheduled practices when they can find time and space.
There is a lot to learn each year as a cheerleader because many cheers and chants have actions that need to be learned along with the words. With a few new members this year, there was more time needed to get everyone on the same page with actions, words, timing, responsibilities of a cheerleader, etc.
The most important part of being a cheerleader is to have fun and enjoy raising the spirits of spectators and athletes. This year’s cheerleaders are off to a great start and are working well together to get this very important part accomplished.
…See another picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!