Central Electric Cooperative’s annual pole inspection program began Monday, June 4. The areas to be tested include townships Warren, Jackson, Floyd, Woonsocket, Silver Creek, and Oneida in Sanborn County; Highland and Wilbur in Brule County; Gales in Aurora County; and Fairview, Spring Lake, Jasper, Edgerton, Wayne, Pleasant, Beulah, and Taylor in Hanson County.
Central Electric has again contracted with SBS Pole Inspections to complete the testing. SBS will utilize a crew of three to five men who have worked in the area in previous years.
Members may notice the crew digging around poles or riding four-wheelers and pickups along power lines. Crews will identify themselves by using Central Electric magnets on the pick-ups and other possible means. The inspection program detects poles with potential faults and prevents future unplanned outages or damages. Approximately 5,000 poles will be tested.
For questions or concerns regarding the program, please contact the Central Electric office at 996-7516 or 1-800-477-2892.