Sanborn Central Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes of School Board Meeting

The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, July 9, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central Conference room with the following present: Adams, Dean, Enfield, Olson, and Schmit. Others present Superintendent Siemsen; Business Manager Bechen and Gary Spelbring, Jr. 

Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Adams, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve the agenda as printed. 

Motion by Schmit, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting June 11, 2018, and special board meeting June 20, 2018, as printed.

Visitors to Board Meeting: Tracy Moody approached the board to discuss weighting grades. Discussion was held regarding potential changes to how grades are weighted in the high school (a higher weight is given to dual credit classes) and potentially looking at changing the grading scale. Superintendent Siemsen is going to poll area schools to determine if we are on par with the area or if we need to look at making changes to ensure that our students are in line with their peers and the potential opportunities they would have at scholarships and such (this research will postpone the approval of the parent/student handbook as changes may need to be made at the August meeting).

Motion by Schmit, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve the Financial Statement and bills. 

General Fund balance, June 1, 2018: $395,983.80. Receipts: taxes $47,774.57, penalties/interest $177.10, interest $38.06, other local income $115.00, state fines $1,053.62, state aid $46,128.00, yearbook $190.00, Title I $33,824.00, reap $16,065.00, shared staff w/ Woonsocket $63,852.72, shared grant $11,239.64, transfers $43,454.30.  Expenditures: $275,760.51. Balance, June 30, 2018: $384,135.30. CorTrust Savings balance, June 1, 2018: $50,165.81. Receipts: interest $41.45. Expenditures: $0.00.  Balance, June 30, 2018: $50,207.26. 

Capital Outlay Fund balance, June 1, 2018: $960,722.12. Receipts: taxes $27,767.74, penalties/interest $80.66, interest $104.66, fixed asset sold $1,750.00, booster library reorganization $3,044.83, LED lighting loan $83,175.00. Expenditures: $7,506.41, transfers $107,940.30. Balance, June 30, 2018: $961,198.30.

Special Education Fund balance, June 1, 2018: $66,831.21. Receipts: taxes $4,893.75, penalties/interest $8.87, interest $12.68, IDEA 611 $40,134.00, IDEA 619 $2,270.00, shared staff w/ Woonsocket $29,144.30. Expenditures: $24,055.17. Balance, June 30, 2018: $119,239.64. CorTrust Savings balance, June 1, 2018: $0.00. Receipts: interest $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, June 30, 2018: $0.00. 

Pension Fund balance, June 1, 2018: $408.08. Receipts: taxes $8.01, penalties/interest $2.11. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, June 30, 2018: $418.20.

Food Service Fund balance, June 1, 2018: $(4,768.58). Receipts: state proration $380.00, transfer $19,500.00. Expenditures: $10,340.28. Balance, June 30, 2018: $4,771.14.

Enterprise Fund balance, June 1, 2018: $(10,611.04). Receipts: interest $3.17, transfer $44,986.00. Expenditures: $3,795.55. Balance, June 30, 2018: $30,582.58.

Scholarship Fund balance, June 1, 2018: $13,187.38. Receipts: interest $0.76, contributions $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, June 30, 2018: $13,188.14. Peters Scholarship balance: $12,688.14; Nelson Scholarship balance: $500.00.

Trust and Agency Funds balance, June 1, 2018: $58,291.16. Receipts: $4,029.20. Expenditures: $8,286.45. Balance, June 30, 2018: $54,033.91.

Salaries and benefits for the month of July, 2018 were as follows:

General Fund: $109,565.78; 

Special Education: $14,982.13; 

Food Service: $4,120.80; 

Enterprise: $3,623.31.

Claims approved: GENERAL FUND – A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $32.30; Aero-Dyna Kleen Services, oil/clean boiler $399.38; Al’s Service, bus tailpipe $52.00; Associated School Boards of South Dakota, 2018-19 dues $909.74; Central Electric, June $1,496.86, mini split repair $95.00; Department of Environment and Natural Resources, water rights $10.00; Department of Revenue, water testing $29.00; Direct Digital Control, repair heating units $288.00, repair air conditioning units library/commons $918.30; First National Insurance, workman comp $9,063.67; Heartland Paper Co., janitor supply $830.72; 

[IMPREST FUND: Card Services, character counts supply $10.55; Nepstads, middle school graduation flowers $31.50; National High School Athletic Coaches Association, coach membership $125.00; US treasury, late fee $530.74; Verizon Wireless, air card $120.03]; 

IXL Membership Services, IXL math license $900.00; Mid-Dakota Technologies, June tech support $140.00; Petty Cash, postage $7.50; Plank Road Publishing, music K-8 $112.45; Riddell, recondition football equipment $1,541.37; Sanborn Weekly Journal, openings/notices/bids $328.58, board proceedings $224.20; Santel Communications, phone $201.62; School Administrators of South Dakota, business office dues $260.00, elementary/middle school principal dues $600.00, high school principal dues $70.00, superintendent dues $320.00; South Dakota Department of Health, nurse services $315.00; South Dakota United Schools Association, dues $450.00; Sherwin Williams, paint/supply $125.35; Software Unlimited, accounting software maintenance $3,800.00; Southeast Area Cooperative, kindergarten academy – two staff registrations $370.00; Technology & Innovation in Education, dues $820.00; Wagner Community School, inservice fee $750.00; Williams Musical & Office Equipment, repair instruments $138.40; Vicki Zellmer, reimburse fingerprinting $43.25, janitor supply $7.98. 

CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, copier rent $866.41; ExploreLearning, gizmos renewal $875.00; K-Log, library table/stools $2,551.94; Riddell, new football equipment $815.37; SHI International Corp., Microsoft license $1,502.54.  

SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – Behavior Care Specialists, June tuition services $3,122.17; June 2018 mileage, $231.00; First National Insurance, workman compensation $588.55; June 2018 mileage $82.32; Kylie Pauly, June services $40.00; Paula Sanderson, SPED conference room $64.25, speech conference room $64.26; Technology & Innovation in Education, dues $90.00. 

FOOD SERVICE Fund – Laura Conrad, mileage/meal reimbursement $219.55; Darrington Water, SS tank $8.00; Days Inn, training room $360.00; Joyce Everhart, reimburse July health insurance $261.16; First National Insurance, workman compensation $2,118.78. 


Void Budget Supplement Resolution #2 motion – Not needed. 

Mr. Siemsen reported on the following:

•State Superintendent’s Conference will be held in Oacoma on July 16th – 18th.

•Associated School Boards of South Dakota Joint Convention will be August 9th – 10th. 

•Athletics will start August 6th. 

•Discuss the potential need for hiring an aide for Special Education. 

•A fifth/sixth boys basketball coach still needs to be hired. 

•Discuss the status of football field project.     

Discussion Items: 

•Board member Schmit informed the board of the discussions that took place at the latest Sanborn Central Booster Club meeting. Those discussions centered around fund raising to help offset the cost of the crows nest/storage building and other storage options that the district is looking to address. 

•There was also discussion held on purchasing a new weed eater for the school.

Old Business: None.

Based upon the provisions of SDCL 13-11-2, the Sanborn Central Board of Education held its annual hearing for adoption of the 2018-2019 school district budget. Discussion was held.

Motion by Enfield, seconded by Schmit, all aye, to approve the adoption of the 2018-2019 Sanborn Central School District 55-5 budget as amended. General Fund Means of Finance: Estimated Surplus to Finance Budget – published $130,235.41, revised $90,911.00, Transfer in – published $112,550.59, revised $151,875.00. General Fund Total Means of Finance – no change. Capital Outlay Appropriations: transfer out – published $112,500.00, revised $151,875.00. Capital Outlay Total Appropriations – published $382,500.00, revised $421,875.00. Capital Outlay Means of Finance: Estimated Surplus to Finance Budget – published $130,700.00, revised $82,575.00, Ad Valorem Taxes – published $250,000.00, revised $337,500.00. Capital Outlay Total Means of Finance – published $382,500.00, revised $421,875.00. Special Education Means of Finance: Estimated Surplus to Finance budget – published $0.00, revised $76,890.00. Ad Valorem Taxes – published $276,890.00, revised $200,000.00. Special Education Total Means of Finance – no change.   

There being no further business to come before the 2017-2018 Board of Education, the meeting was adjourned sine die at 7:55 p.m., July 9, 2018. 

Issuance of certificates of election. Administered the Oath of office to returning board members Curtis Adams – Uncontested three-year term, Clayton Dean – Uncontested three-year term, and new board member Gary Spelbring, Jr. – Uncontested two-year term. They read the Oath of Office as Board Members of the Sanborn Central School District 55-5.  

Motion by Dean, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve Superintendent Siemsen as temporary Board Chair.

Curtis Adams nominated Clayton Dean as board chair, seconded by Enfield; Clayton Dean nominated Brenda Schmit as board chair, but failed due to lack of second. 

Motion by Adams, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to elect Clayton Dean as Chair of the 2018-2019 Board of Education. 

Curtis Adams nominated Brenda Schmit as vice chair. Gary Spelbring called for nominations to cease.

Motion by Adams, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to elect Brenda Schmit as Vice Chair of the 2018-2019 Board of Education. 

Motion by Adams, seconded by Schmit, all aye, to approve the committee appointments as recommended by the Board Chair: Legislative – Brenda Schmit; Negotiations: Clayton Dean, Justin Enfield, and Superintendent Siemsen; Associated School Board of South Dakota Delegate Clayton Dean, alternate Brenda Schmit; Capital Outlay – Justin Enfield, Curtis Adams, and Superintendent Siemsen; JVEC – Superintendent Siemsen; and SIVN – Superintendent Siemsen.

Motion by Enfield, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve all organizational procedures as follows: to designate the Business Manager and the Superintendent as custodians of all accounts within the district; to designate the Business Manager and the Superintendent to sign pertinent documents in the other’s absence and authorize the use of Board President’s or Superintendent’s signature stamps when required; to designate First National Insurance as the insurance agent of record; to designate Superintendent Siemsen as the director of all federal programs for the Sanborn Central School District and authorize him to submit applications for such programs; to designate Rodney Freeman as the school district’s attorney of record; to designate Justin Siemsen and Gayle Bechen as the school’s authorized representatives to the South Dakota Retirement System and Insurance Groups, as well as the school district’s custodian of related accounts; to set bond for school business manager at $50,000.00;

To establish the date/time for monthly school board meetings as the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.; to establish the board member’s per diem at $60.00 per regular and special meeting and mileage at state rates, with the Board Chair receiving $70.00 per meeting; to authorize Superintendent/High School Principal Siemsen, PreK-8 Principal Vermeulen, and Transportation Supervisor Gary Goudy to postpone/cancel school for reasons of inclement weather and emergencies; to adopt the following order of business for the 2018-2019 Board of Education: 1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance; 2. Additional Agenda Items; 3. Approval of Agenda; 4. Approval of Minutes; 5. Visitors to the Board Meeting; 6. Financial Reports/Bills; 7. Reports and Items of Discussion; 8. Old Business; 9. New Business; 10. Executive Session (if applicable); and 11. Adjournment; to approve that board action may be taken if it is approved by the majority of members voting; 

To designate Superintendent Siemsen and Transportation Supervisor Gary Goudy as those responsible for transportation in the Sanborn Central School District; to approve assurance of compliance standards for all federal/state programs; to approve the annual School Bus Emergency Assistance Pact for the 2018-19 school year; to approve the Sanborn Weekly Journal as the official Sanborn Central School District’s newspaper; 

To approve state travel rates and per diem allowances (i.e. state rates). Up to $6.00 breakfast, $11.00 lunch, and $15.00 supper. The mileage is dictated by the state ($0.42 per mile currently) and mileage allowances will be set by their standard and district policy. The lodging rate is cost. Students receive $6.00 per meal; to designate Superintendent Siemsen as the purchasing agent for the Sanborn Central School District; to approve the following fees for 2018-19: admission prices: regular games, students $3.00, adults $5.00, above age 65 free; double header games, students $4.00, adults $6.00, above age 65 free; student activity pass $25.00, adult activity pass $45.00, and family passes $85.00, complimentary passes: employees/board members, hot lunch prices as: $4.25 for adults, $3.00 for PreK-5, $3.25 for 6-12, breakfast club: $2.00 PreK-12, adult breakfast $2.50, yearbook: without name $38.00; with name $43.00; 

To approve substitute teacher pay as $80 for non-certified and $100 for certified. Long-term substitute for the same teacher after five consecutive days will be $125 per day if certified; to approve substitute bus driver pay in the amount of $70 for full route (a.m./p.m.) and extra duty pay as $11.00 per hour; to approve the following amounts for officials pay for volleyball officials $85 each per game, line judge $35, football referee for junior high $25, junior varsity referee $35, varsity $125, basketball referee for fifth-eighth $25.00, ninth-junior varsity $35.00, junior varsity/varsity game $100 each, double header games $115 each, clock varsity $30.00, clock junior varsity $15.00, shot clock varsity $30.00, shot clock junior varsity $15.00; 

To designate the CorTrust Bank of Artesian and Letcher as the official depository of school funds and authorize Gayle Bechen and Justin Siemsen as custodians of all accounts; to appoint Justin Siemsen and Gayle Bechen as administrators of the Trust/Agency account and to institute any school lunch agreements; to authorize the board chair to call recesses; to appoint Schoenfish & Co, Inc. as the district’s audit firm; to authorize continuation of existing funds or accounts and the establishment of any new accounts, if necessary; to approve the current school board policies; to appoint Justin Siemsen and Connie Vermeulen as truancy officers and Justin Siemsen as Title IX, Rehabilitation Act Section 504, Americans with Disabilities Act, Age Discrimination, and Asbestos compliance officer; to approve the district’s annual membership in Technology & Innovation in Education; and to approve membership in the South Dakota United Schools Association for the 2018-2019 school year. 

Tabled the approval of the 2018-2019 Parent-Student Handbook for further discussion of potential changes to grading scale.

Sanborn Central Staff Contracts 2018-2019: 

Administration: Gayle Bechen, business manager $42,215; Justin Siemsen, superintendent/high school principal $73,750, high school yearbook advisor $1,950; Connie Vermeulen, elementary/middle school principal $57,885, middle school student council advisor $200; 

Certified Staff: Nikki Dawson, middle school teacher $37,275; Jenny Easton, vocal music teacher $40,675 (shared), PreK-12 extra vocal events $2,555 (shared), travel $1,000 (shared); Marci Farmer, middle school science-health/elementary computer teacher $42,175; Susan Farrell-Poncelet, middle school/high school teacher $39,375, oral interpretation advisor $1,150, prom advisor $1,450; Corey Flatten, high school teacher $39,575, WWSSC co-op assistant football coach $2,873 (shared), SCW co-op head track coach $3,100 (shared); high school student council advisor $650, powerlifting/weight room advisor $2,050, senior project advisor $500; 

Rachael Foster, colony teacher $42,045, one additional level $2,000; John Harless, colony teacher $40,775, one additional level $2,000; Jeannette Knigge, colony teacher $40,045, two additional levels $4,000; Jennifer Larson, elementary teacher $43,245; Tim McCain, middle school/high school math/PE teacher $43,245, SCW co-op head girls basketball coach $3,750 (shared), SCW co-op seventh/eighth grade track coach $1,650 (shared), district athletic director $4,250; Kelly McClane, speech therapist $45,245 (shared), travel $1,000 (shared), summer school 20 per hour; 

Jenna Miller, elementary teacher $38,275, high school play/one act advisor $1,650; Robin Moody, elementary teacher $42,045, SCW co-op junior varsity girls basketball $2,800 (shared); Tracy Moody, high school teacher $44,045, SCW co-op assistant volleyball coach $2,800 (shared), National Honor Society advisor $650, senior project coordinator $500; Krista Moore, elementary teacher $42,175; Jill Reimer, elementary teacher $44,845; Jessica Ronning, ag teacher $38,475 (shared), extended days ag teacher $3,297.90 (shared), FFA advisor $3,425 (shared); Paula Sanderson, K-12 special ed teacher $43,645, summer school $20 per hour; Cheryl Schmit, elementary teacher $43,645; Kim Sevareid, preschool teacher $39,245; Kayla Vetter, title I teacher $37,675; Megan Wilson, high school teacher $40,475. 

Classified Staff: Mary Ackman, administrative assistant $16.78 per hour; Shawna Baysinger, special ed para – colony $12.60 per hour; Cindy Chance, district para-colony $16.62 per hour; Laura Conrad, head cook-manager $30,000; Wanda Effling, district para $14.13 per hour; Jolene Enfield, librarian aide $16.09 per hour; Vickie Fox, district para $14.69 per hour; Gary Goudy, bus driver $18,360, bus maintenance $5,202; Judy Hemminger, bus driver $18,360; 

Laura Licht, SPED/district para $11.73 per hour; Tina Luthi, dishwasher/cook helper/janitor helper $15.47 per hour; Kate Schelske, bus driver $14,912.40; Mark Seitz, cleaning custodian $31,450; Rita Trebil, summer custodian $16.00 per hour, special ed para $14.37 per hour; Ashly Uecker, special ed para $15.15 per hour; Mary Unterbrunner, assistant cook $15.47 per hour; Connie VanOverschelde, special ed aide $14.98 per hour; Mark VanOverschelde, school maintenance $5,000; Gary Willman, bus driver $12,954; Vicki Zellmer, custodian $12.24 per hour.  

Regular Board meeting will be held on Monday, August 13, 2018, at 5:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central School Conference Room. 

Motion by Adams, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 8:57 p.m.

Gayle Bechen

Business Manager

Clayton Dean

Board Chair

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