VIP Day takes place for first time in Woonsocket Elementary

Everyone has someone in their lives that they consider to be very important to them. The students at Woonsocket Elementary recently got to show their Very Important Person (VIP) just how much they mean to them by inviting them to Woonsocket’s very first VIP Day.

The idea was brought up by the kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Kylie Pauly. She took the idea from something they do similarly in her grade school alma mater, Lyman County Schools. Every student writes a letter to their VIP to invite them to come to the school and enjoy VIP Day with them. The letter tells the VIP the reason why the student chose them as their VIP.

Once the VIP arrived at the school that morning, they were treated to donuts for breakfast, which were provided by the Woonsocket Elementary Parent Club. Following breakfast, they went to the classrooms of the kids who invited them. The students each introduced their VIP and explained why they consider them a Very Important Person. Then, each classroom teacher had activities for the students and their guests to enjoy for the morning.

Everyone had a good time, and the school made sure that each student had someone there to be their VIP. The event was such a success that they are planning to make it an annual event.

…See pictures of the event in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

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