Spring and summer is a busy time for the Woonsocket Community Club as they continue to strive to support community organizations and events. They recently donated $50 toward the Valentine’s Day balloon and candy event at the school; $500 to the Sanborn County Food Pantry; and continue to offer a three-month subscription of the Sanborn Weekly Journal to new homeowners coming to town.
At their last monthly meeting, donations were made of $150 to the nursing home’s easter egg hunt; $500 to Kadin Schlenker to help complete his Eagle Scout project – a canopy by the ball park; up to $250 to transport residents of the nursing home for an outing to attend the Shrine Circus; and lastly, $250 for the club’s senior scholarship on an essay of “volunteering in the community.”
Upcoming events include their annual city-wide cleanup on Thursday, May 16, and their annual city-wide rummage on Saturday, June 1.
The club encourages anyone in the community who would like to get out and meet people to come attend the meetings, held the first Monday of the month (November-June), at 5:15 p.m. at the Woonsocket Community Center. For more information on the club, contact Gay Swenson or Emily George.