AMY hofer has her book signed by Tyson Kokesh, while Valerie Button and Sara Overson sign books for other book signing attendees.
The third graders were busy this Valentine’s Day as they presented their work as authors and illustrators at our Book Publishing Party.
In December we wrote a class story as a group, and because of our appreciation for our class pet (our bearded dragon named Lizzy), the class decided to make the story about the life of Lizzy after we have gone home for the day. We held multiple class discussions over the course of a couple of weeks to create a story we were all excited about. Then there were still many pages left that could be included in our book, so we decided to each write an individual poem to fill the book. After writing the story and poems, we had to rewrite on the specific paper sent by the publishing company (Studentreasures). We had to get this all completed and sent in before Christmas break to get the final books in February. We were busy!
…Read on and see additional pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!