April 2023

Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., with Chairman Jeff Ebersdorfer presiding. Present were Steve Larson, Paul Larson, Gary Blindauer, and Duane Peterson. Auditor Kami Moody was also present. Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Peterson, to approve the minutes from the March 21 meeting, as presented. Motion carried.  


No public was in attendance for comment. 


Stacy Mendenhall, Highway Superintendent and Sheri Kogel, Highway Administrative Assistant, met with the board. Kogel reported that Carter Christian received a $2,000 scholarship from the South Dakota Highway Association of County Superintendents. Discussions took place on potential weather coming this week. Compliments were shared with the Highway crew on their snow removal this winter. 

Motion by Blindauer, seconded by P. Larson, to accept the bid from Beadle County through True North Steel. Motion carried. 


Motion by Blindauer, seconded by P. Larson, to accept resolution 2023-6 to enforce the Weight Limit on County Road 0-9O.

WHEREAS, seasonal climatic changes can be detrimental to our highways, and

WHEREAS, the Sanborn County Board of County Commissioners, desires to protect existing Sanborn County Highways, ultimately saving the tax dollars and,

WHEREAS, the Sanborn County Board of County Commissioners desire the enforcement of weight limitations and speed limits on Sanborn County roads and bridges as set forth and posted by the Sanborn County Highway Superintendent.


That the South Dakota Highway Patrol be and hereby is authorized and requested to enforce weight limitations and speed limits on Sanborn County Road 0-9O.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the penalty for the violation of the load restrictions shall be as set forth in SDCL 32-22-55.

Votes cast of the Sanborn County Commissioners: AYE 5, NAY 0.

Passed and enacted this 4th day of April 2023.

/s/ Jeff Ebersdorfer

Sanborn County 

Commissioner Chairman


/s/ Kami Moody

Sanborn County Auditor


Maria Schwader was present to give the commissioners the final report from the 2020 and 2021 audit. Motion by P. Larson, seconded by S. Larson, to approve the audit report presented by Schwader. Motion carried. 


Rod Weber, Todd Olinger, and Jason White, representing the Woonsocket School, and Tara Weber and Dick Reider, representing the City of Woonsocket, met with the Board of Commissioners to discuss the issue of the property owned by the Woonsocket School District, currently occupied by the Woonsocket Community Daycare. After discussion, a motion by Blindauer, seconded by P. Larson, to abate the taxes for the Woonsocket School for 2022, Payable in 2023. Motion carried.


By recommendation from the Planning & Zoning board, a motion by P. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to approve the following resolution 2023-7; motion carried:

Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Sanborn County, South Dakota, that the plat of OLSON TRACT 1, A SUBDIVISION OF THE SE ¼ OF SECTION 6, T 106 N, R 60 W OF THE 5TH P.M., SANBORN COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, which has been submitted for examination pursuant to law, is hereby approved and the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to endorse on such plat a copy of this Resolution and certify the same.

Dated this 4th day of April 2023.

/s/ Jeff Ebersdorfer

Chairperson, Board of 

County Commissioners, 

Sanborn County

The undersigned does hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Sanborn County, South Dakota, at a regular meeting held on April 4, 2023, approving the above-named plat. 

/s/ Kami Moody

Auditor, Sanborn County

By recommendation from the Planning & Zoning board, a motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve the following resolution 2023-8; motion carried:

Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Sanborn County, South Dakota, County Commission that the plat of “LOT 1 IN HOWARD FIRST ADDITION, IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 106 NORTH, RANGE 62 WEST OF THE 5TH P.M., SANBORN COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA,” be and the same hereby approved.

On the 4th day of April, 2023

/s/ Jeff Ebersdorfer

Chairperson, Board of 

County Commissioners, 

Sanborn County

I, the undersigned, county auditor of Sanborn County, South Dakota, do hereby certify that the above certificate of approval is true and correct including the signature thereon.

Dated this 4th day of April, 2023. 

/s/ Kami Moody

Auditor, Sanborn County, 

South Dakota


The ambulance fee schedule has not been revised since April of 2012 to show increases that are allowable by Ambulance. Upon evaluation and visits with the state ambulance services, the following fees were determined. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to approve resolution #2023-5 – Ambulance Fee Schedule:

WHEREAS, the Board of Sanborn County Commissioner has passed a resolution establishing fees to be for services provided by the Office of the Sanborn County Ambulance which are not regulated by statute; and

WHEREAS, some fees and charges for items or services provided by the Sanborn County Ambulance Department must be set by this Commissioner; and, 

WHEREAS, those fees and charges are to be deposited into the general fund of Sanborn County; and,

WHEREAS, said services below will be listed as BLS (Basic Life Support) and ALS (Advanced Life Support); and,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Sanborn County Ambulance may collect the following fees or charges for the following services at the rates listed. These rates shall remain effective until such time as changed by further Resolution of this Board:

BLS MILEAGE: $15 per loaded mile

BLS EMERGENCY OR NON-EMERGENCY: $700 ALS: $735 ALS 2 Level of Service: (Codes with ALS Present): $1,065


BLS EMERGENCY with QL Modifier: $700        

DATED this 4th day of April, 2023 and shall become effective immediately.

Votes cast of the Sanborn County Commissioners: AYE 5, NAY 0. /s/ Jeff Ebersdorfer

Sanborn County 

Commissioner Chairman


/s/ Kami Moody

Sanborn County Auditor


Planning & Zoning minutes from April 3 were reviewed, discussed, and approved.


The County was recently informed that there is now a perpetual Federal Easement that was placed on property that was discussed with Bruce Toay of Ducks Unlimited at a regular meeting of the County Commission on October 19, 2021. The legal descriptions of which were the subject of that discussion in 2021 and are in the perpetual Federal Easement are T.105 N., R. 61 W., 5th PM & T. 106 N., R. 61 W., 5th P.M. At the meeting in 2021, Mr. Toay on behalf of Ducks Unlimited indicated that with regard to these lands the County would continue to have all rights to use and maintain the current County drainage ditch that exists therein. Mr. Toay now indicates that the perpetual easements are only effective as to the area located inside the circles on the maps located on Exhibit A of said Easement that has been filed with the County Register of Deeds.


Auditor and Treasurer in all accounts $3,316,455.55

Register of Deeds $1,445.50

Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to pay the following bills; motion carried:

Payroll before Deductions:

Commissioners $6,184.98

Auditor $8,414.94

Treasurer $8,690.86

States Attorney $7,097.03

Courthouse $5,039.53

Assessor $10,472.12

Register of Deeds $9,107.79

Sheriff $17,871.93

Public Welfare $1,592.58

Nurse $3,035.84

Ambulance $1,341.57

WIC $221.37

Extension Office $1,761.04

Weed $3,841.39

Drainage $322.95

Planning and Zoning $193.77

Road and Bridge $40,971.99

E-911 $163.10

Emergency Management $757.10

Sobriety Testing $163.11

Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Insurance $27,047.04

AFLAC, Insurance $1,206.70

AFLAC, Insurance $309.92

South Dakota Retirement System, Retirement $9,123.68

Delta Dental, Insurance $999.90

Small Business, Insurance $51.00

Sanborn County Treasurer, Taxes in Trust $96.69

BEAM, Insurance $299.81

Cincinnati Insurance Co., Insurance $512.81

EMC National Life Company, Insurance $401.54

Colonial Life, Insurance $126.30

First National Bank, Tax Liability $19,995.92

Huron Regional Medical Center, Employee Garnishment $320.00

Division of Child Support, Employee Child Support $567.00

Accounts Management, Employee Garnishment $87.00

EMC National Life Company, Ambulance – No Run Insurance $56.86

Sanborn County Treasurer, Taxes in Trust $1,806.55

Arctic Refrigeration, Cooler Repair $850.11

AT&T Mobility, Utilities $406.32

Bound Tree, Supplies $345.23

Brooks Oil Company, Supplies $6,704.26

Broz Equipment, Services and Fees $2,947.50

Butler Equipment Co., Equipment $8,084.93

Central Electric Co-op, Repair at Letcher Corner $250.22

City of Huron, Teletype Service $770.00

Dakota Counseling/Stepping Stones, Quarterly Support $625.00

Dick’s Welding, Repairs $540.00

Express Stop, Fuel $18.05

First National Bank of Omaha, Supplies $134.06

Bailey Harvey, Blood Draw – R. DeWitt $80.00

Melissa Heinen, Blood Draw – R. Paye $80.00

Jerauld County Auditor, Half  Portion of Laptop for Extension Office $744.50

KO’S Pro Service, Repairs $1,011.92

Lodge at Deadwood, Travel-Meals $248.00

Mac’s Hardware Store, Supplies $113.03

Mack Metal Sales Inc., Supplies $70.88

Midwest Pump & Tank, Equipment $7,566.22

NAPA Central, Supplies $311.50

Office Peeps, Supplies $135.36

Postmaster, Supplies $126.00

Premier Equipment, Repairs $1,327.95

Runnings Supply Company, Supplies $733.23

Santel Communications, Utilities $1,154.39

South Dakota Department of Transportation, Services and Fees $2,815.23

South Dakota Association of County Commissioners, CLERP First Quarter $306.00

Sign Solutions, Supplies $732.43

Travis Coulthard, Repairs $240.55

Tech Solutions, Tech Support $3,453.94

Verizon, Utilities $80.02

Ron Volesky, Court Appointed Attorney Fees – L. Rivera Latimer $367.00

WW Tire Service, Supplies $1,789.06

There being no further business before the board, motion by P. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to adjourn the meeting at 11:58 a.m. Motion carried. The board will meet as a Board of Equalization on April 11, 2023. The next regular scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 18, 2023.                                                                                                                                          

Kami Moody

Sanborn County Auditor

Jeff Ebersdorfer

Chairman of the Board, 

Sanborn County                                                                                                                         

Published once on April 20, 2023, at the total approximate cost of $130.00 and may be viewed free of charge at www.sdpublicnotices.com.

Mayor Mark Chada called the meeting to order with Angie Larson, Sean Gromer, and Angie Meier in attendance. 

A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Gromer, carried, to approve the March 5th, 2023, minutes as read.

A motion was made by Gromer, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve the financials as presented.

Old Business:

Chada met with Palace Builders about the gutters that came off the community center. They will be fixing them this spring.  

New Business:

Discussion was held on new water meters being installed. Chada is waiting for a call back from the plumber as to when they are planning to start.  

Discussion was held on the water sample report.  

Discussion was held on when Dawson Construction plans to start blading. Meier will call Dawson and see what the plan is.  

Discussion was held on when Dumpster Days will be. Meier called Miedema Sanitation to schedule dates and the days the dumpsters will be in town. They are planning to drop them off on May 4th and will be picking them up on May 8th, 2023.  

An ad has been placed in the paper for the summer help position.  

Meier is meeting with South Dakota Rural Water on April 11th to update the Emergency Response Plan  

A motion was made by Gromer, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve the following claims for payment: 

General And Water/Sewer:  Sean Gromer – $1,108.20 – Payroll – Trustee – Six Meetings And Maintenance Worker, Michael Hoffman – $83.12 – Payroll – Meter Reader, Mark Chada – $629.92 – Payroll – Mayor – Six Meetings, Ed Hoffman – $538.10 – Payroll – Water Superintendent, Angie Larson – $461.75 – Payroll – Trustee – Five Meetings, Angie Meier – $492.95 – Payroll – Finance Officer, Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield – $2,686.43 – Health Insurance, US Bank – $6,289.72 – Sewer Loan Payment, South Dakota Municipal League Workman’s Compensation – $107.00 – Workman’s Compensation Insurance, Santel Communications – $236.11 – Lift Station Phone – $45.56, Office Phone – $29.88, Office Internet – $80.50, Community Center Phone – $25.17, Community Center Internet – $55.00, Quill – $334.60 – Office Supplies, Public Health Lab – $15.00 – Water Sample, NorthWestern Energy – $1,028.93 – Utilities Electric: Lagoon – $15.00, Water Plant – $193.13, Water Valve – $10.46, Community Center – $224.89, Rossy Park – $23.03, Lift Station – $57.18, Street Lights – $505.24, Miedema Sanitation – $20.00 – Garbage Removal, Grainger – $240.28 – Repairs and Maintenance, Davison Rural Water – $2,331.75 – Water Used. 

The next board meeting will be held on April 17th, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Office.

Angie Meier

Finance Officer

Published once on April 20, 2023, at the total approximate cost of $30.75 and may be viewed free of charge at www.sdpublicnotices.com.

Sanborn County Commissioners met as a Board of Equalization on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. with Chairman Jeff Ebersdorfer presiding. Other members present were Steve Larson, Paul Larson, Gary Blindauer, and Duane Peterson. Auditor Kami Moody and Penny Farris, Director of Equalization, also met with the board.  

Oaths were taken by the Board of Equalization.  

Karen Krueger, County Treasurer, reported that she received eighteen applications, of which seventeen qualified for the elderly and disabled assessment freeze.  Motion by Peterson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve the applications. Motion carried.

Penny Farris, Director of Equalization, reported seven disabled veterans tax freeze requests. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve the requests. Motion carried.  

The Board of Equalization reviewed the list of Tax-Exempt Properties. Motion by Peterson, seconded by P. Larson, to approve the Owner-Occupied Status for Jeff and Cara Poyer for Lots 7-9; Blk 66 OP Woonsocket. Motion carried. 

Motion by Peterson, seconded by P. Larson, to move a small building from parcel #2238 to parcel #5171 on Lot 1 PJ Addn NE ¼ 19-107-62. Motion carried. 

Motion by Blindauer, seconded by P. Larson, to change Lot 2 DL Chance’s 1st Addn. NW ¼ 34-105-60 from commercial to residential for Denton and Jennifer Chance. 

Motion by P. Larson, seconded by S. Larson, to approve the following Director of Equalization appeals to the County Board of Equalization; motion carried:

#4295 – Ken and Jean Anderson – S/2 Lots 1-2; Blk 41 OP Woonsocket (garage)

#3578 – Ken and Jean Anderson – Lots 10-12; Blk 26 OP Woonsocket (residence)

#4986 – Steve and Lynelle Tornow – Lots 1-4; Blk 16 OP Woonsocket

#4422 – Keith and Leslie Ohlrogge – Lots 16-18; Blk 105 1st Addn. Woonsocket

#3680 – Mike and Sherryl Rankin – Lots 17-24: Blk 46 OP Woonsocket

#3506 – Joe Allum – Lots 13-17; Blk 15 OP Woonsocket

#3904 – Joel and Dawn Rassel – Lots 13-18; Blk 5 Dunn’s Addn. Woonsocket

#1119 – Phillip and Coila Hinker – Lot 1 and Lot 2 Buccaneer Acres E/2NE/4 2-106-61

#5021 – Jessica Bruce – Tract A of Baruth Farms Addn. SW/4 5-107-62

#5047 – Allan and Heather Westendorf – Tract 1 Swenson’s Addn. NW/4 22-107-62

#4394 – Richard and Emily George – W 705’ of S 836’ SW/4 4-107-62

#2304 – Preston and Kami Moody – E 396’ of N 875’ SE/4 23-107-62

Motion by Peterson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve the following assessment appeals to the County Board of Equalization; motion carried:

#4864 – Rooster Lodge LLC – Rooster Lodge a part of E/2NW/4 33-108-60 

#3732 – Tom Cahill – Lots 1-4: Blk 62 OP Woonsocket

#3733 – Tom Cahill – Lots 5-6: Blk 62 OP Woonsocket

#3734 – Tom Cahill – Lots 7-12: Blk 62 OP Woonsocket

#1600 – Nicholas Koch – Lot 5 J and L subdivision NW/4 30-106-62

#3738 – Larson Properties Rentals II, LLC – W/2SW/4 Blk 63 OP Woonsocket

#4746 – Barry and Shelly Selland – Selland Lot 1 SW/4 36-107-61

#3910 – Kludt Family Properties LLP – Lots 7-8; Blk 7 Dunn’s Addn., Woonsocket

#3134 – Andrew Zoss – Lots 3-6: Blk 2 Thaxter’s 1st Addn., Artesian

Motion by Peterson, seconded by S. Larson, to adjourn the meeting at 11:21 a.m. The next regularly scheduled commissioner meeting will be April 18, 2023.


Sanborn County Auditor

Jeff Ebersdorfer

Chairman of the Board

Published once on April 20, 2023, at the total approximate cost of $42.00 and may be viewed free of charge at www.sdpublicnotices.com.


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