May 2023

Woonsocket School Board proceedings


The Woonsocket Board of Education met in special session on April 24, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the Woonsocket School. The purpose of the special meeting was to approve bills that came in after the April Board meeting for curriculum. The Board approved the purchases during the regular April Board meeting.  Members attending were Jason White, Lisa Snedeker, Neal Hiemstra, Rikki Ohlrogge and Rebecca Grassel. Todd Olinger was absent. Others attending were: Superintendent Rod Weber, Sarah Jensen, Kayla Vetter, and Sarah Swenson. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.  

On a motion by Neal Hiemstra, seconded by Rikki Ohlrogge, the Board approved the meeting agenda as presented. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Rikki Ohlrogge, with a second by Neal Hiemstra, to approve the bills as presented; motion carried.

GENERAL FUND                            






Fund Total: $31,677.95

Sarah Swenson updated that with the additional bills and the estimated receipts, the school is on track to meet the General Fund cash balance requirement of 30 percent for the fiscal year. Mr. Weber updated that the Daycare Survey results were in. There weren’t as many participants as he had hoped, but the results were as expected, that there is a definite need for continued childcare in the community. 

On a motion by Neal Hiemstra, seconded by Lisa Snedeker, the Board approved Lisa Snedeker and Rikki Ohlrogge to serve on a research committee to explore the possibility of a Birth to 3 Preschool. 

Motion was made by Lisa Snedeker, with a second by Rikki Ohlrogge, to approve an executive session for personnel reasons SDCL1-25-2(1) – out at 8:02 p.m. – in at 8:49 p.m. Motion carried.

With no further business to come before the Board, the April 24th, 2023, special school board meeting was adjourned at 8:49 p.m. on a motion by Neal Hiemstra, with a second by Lisa Snedeker. Motion carried. 




Business Manager

Published once on May 5, 2023, at the total approximate cost of $28.50 and may be viewed free of charge at 

On Monday, April 24, the Sanborn Central/Woonsocket FFA held their annal banquet to celebrate the year’s accomplishments and install new officers for the coming year.

At the banquet, many awards were given out. The greenhand degrees for first-year students who successfully completed the requirements were achieved by Cami Edwards, Grant Edwards, Tori Hoffman, Teagen Moody, Aubrey Moody, Clay Moody, Parker Ettswold, Addy Baruth, Liz Boschee, Tanner Christian, Samantha Grosz, Michael Foos, Eli White, Sam Baruth, Kali Hofer, Tyler Brueske and Kenzie Baruth. From the greenhand degree recipients, the Chapter Star Greenhand award winner was selected, and this year’s recipient was Kenzie Baruth. 

The Outstanding Member Award is chosen from all chapter members for being driven, a team player and actively involved in agricultural education and FFA. Bailey Feistner was named this year’s recipient.

The final act of the banquet and meeting was to introduce and install the newly appointed officers of the SCW FFA for 2023-2024. The new officers are President Bryce Larson, Vice President Jaycee Baruth, Secretary Emilie Lindgren, Treasurer Cami Edwards, Reporter Aubrey Moody, Sentinel Parker Ettswold, Parliamentarian Alex Anderson and Ambassador Layton Zoss.

…See a picture of the new officers in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

On April 14, the Sanborn Central Middle School students stayed at school a little bit longer than usual, finally getting to enjoy a lock-in that had been postponed since February due to scheduling issues and bad weather. They participated in various games and a scavenger hunt using their phones. The students were served pizza, chips, and ice cream. A middle school coronation was the final activity of the day. All students in grade eight were candidates for prince and princess. The students in grade eight include: Miley Adams, Carter Edwards, Hudson Fouberg, Riley Kneen, Ian Octavo, Temperance Salathe, Cole Wilson, and Layton Zoss. Prince Wilson and Princess Adams were crowned. The royalty were chosen by the entire middle school student body voting process.

…See a picture of the prince and princess in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

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