On Saturday, Oct. 14, the oral interp teams from both Woonsocket and Sanborn Central worked together to host an oral interp contest at Woonsocket High School. Students from Woonsocket, Sanborn Central, Wessington Springs, James Valley Christian, Lake Preston and Mitchell Christian attended the contest. Each student performed their piece three times to three different judges and then received an average score to determine their award placing.
Lisa Snedeker and the Dakotaland Federal Credit Union also provided goody bags for each oral interp student who competed.
The results for Saturday’s contest are as follows, from Woonsocket: McKenzie Baruth received a superior in oratory; Kyla Terkildsen earned a superior in duet; Emilie Lindgren received a superior plus in humorous reading; and Jalyn Grassel earned a superior in serious reading and a superior in duet; from Sanborn Central: Sean Bitterman earned an excellent plus in humorous reading; Olivia Conrad received an excellent plus in oratory; Temperance Salathe earned an excellent plus in storytelling; and their readers theatre team of Sean Bitterman, Parker Ettswold, Clay Moody, Grant Edwards and Erick Melendez received an excellent plus for their performance.
For the students from Sanborn Central, this was their first time performing for this season, and for Woonsocket team members it was their second performance. Next up for the Sanborn Central team is Sioux Falls Washington’s Circle of Courage meet on Friday, Oct. 20, and the Woonsocket kids will be in Huron on Wednesday, Nov. 1.
…See the Sanborn Central students who competed in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!