On Monday, April 24, the Sanborn Central/Woonsocket FFA held their annal banquet to celebrate the year’s accomplishments and install new officers for the coming year.
At the banquet, many awards were given out. The greenhand degrees for first-year students who successfully completed the requirements were achieved by Cami Edwards, Grant Edwards, Tori Hoffman, Teagen Moody, Aubrey Moody, Clay Moody, Parker Ettswold, Addy Baruth, Liz Boschee, Tanner Christian, Samantha Grosz, Michael Foos, Eli White, Sam Baruth, Kali Hofer, Tyler Brueske and Kenzie Baruth. From the greenhand degree recipients, the Chapter Star Greenhand award winner was selected, and this year’s recipient was Kenzie Baruth.
The Outstanding Member Award is chosen from all chapter members for being driven, a team player and actively involved in agricultural education and FFA. Bailey Feistner was named this year’s recipient.
The final act of the banquet and meeting was to introduce and install the newly appointed officers of the SCW FFA for 2023-2024. The new officers are President Bryce Larson, Vice President Jaycee Baruth, Secretary Emilie Lindgren, Treasurer Cami Edwards, Reporter Aubrey Moody, Sentinel Parker Ettswold, Parliamentarian Alex Anderson and Ambassador Layton Zoss.
…See a picture of the new officers in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!