The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Thursday, January 11, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central library with the following present: Curtis Adams, Clayton Dean, Mark Goral, Emma Klaas, and Gary Spelbring Jr. Others present were Superintendent/High School Principal Corey Flatten, Elementary/Middle School Principal Connie Vermeulen and Business Manager Gayle Bechen.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Visitors to Board Meeting: None.
Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the agenda as printed.
Motion by Goral, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting on December 11, 2023, as printed.
Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the Financial reports and bills:
General Fund balance, December 1, 2023: $1,060,887.68. Receipts: taxes $84,044.31, penalties/interest $966.25, interest $1,102.93, admission $802.00, other $48.00, state fines $1,775.78, state aid December $72,166.00, medicaid $630.28. Expenditures: $217,404.87, manual journal entry $1,186.98. Balance, December 31, 2023: $1,003,831.38. CorTrust Savings balance, December 1, 2023: $50,803.32. Receipts: other $0.00, interest $96.04. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, December 31, 2023: $50,899.36. CDs $300,000.00.
Capital Outlay Fund balance, December 1, 2023: $490,393.88. Receipts: taxes $12,312.48, penalties/interest $133.82, interest $499.44, voided check $50,000.00. Expenditures: $101,170.89. Balance, December 31, 2023: $452,168.73. CDs $250,000.00.
Special Education Fund balance, December 1, 2023: $500,158.81. Receipts: taxes $12,345.88, penalties/interest $135.00, interest $437.01, medicaid $62.34, manual journal entry/voided check $99,773.90. Expenditures: $221,978.51. Balance, December 31, 2023: $390,934.43. CDs $150,000.00.
Food Service Fund balance, December 1, 2023: $8,776.77. Receipts: interest $20.81, student meals $5,465.20, adult meals $908.60, ala carte $2,941.15, federal reimbursement $4,136.34, supply chain assist $8,537.07. Expenditures: $18,224.61. Balance, December 31, 2023: $12,561.33.
Enterprise Fund balance, December 1, 2023: $19,056.05. Receipts: interest $20.81, preschool tuition $1,788.75. Expenditures: $4,419.41. Balance, December 31, 2023: $16,446.20.
Custodial Funds balance, December 1, 2023: $79,447.19. Receipts: $4,428.63. Expenditures: $15,884.04. Balance, December 31, 2023: $67,991.78.
Scholarship Fund balance, December 1, 2023: $8,499.38. Receipts: interest $1.77. Expenditure: $0.00. Balance, December 31, 2023: $8,501.15. Peters Scholarship balance: $7,751.15; Nelson Scholarship balance: $750.00.
Salaries and benefits for the month of January 2024 were as follows:
General Fund: $163,294.45;
Special Education: $18,978.50;
Food Service: $10,886.97;
Enterprise Fund: $4,419.41.
Claims approved: GENERAL FUND – A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $40.05; Active Heating, boiler repair $2,605.81; Brooks Oil Co., LP $4,100.75; CarQuest, bus supply $200.47; Chesterman Co., pop $150.05; Churchhill, Manolis, Freeman, Kludt, Shelton & Burns LLP, audit letter fee $155.50; Clayton’s Repair, bus service $650.00; Cole Paper Inc., janitor supply $855.96; Conrad Repair, pressure regulator $274.49; CorTrust, air cards $55.00, hotspot $35.00, high school principal supply $40.00, elementary/middle school principal supply $30.00, elementary supply $54.27, middle school supply $8.33, high school supply $8.33; Corey Flatten, wrestling fee $150.00; Graves It Solutions, one year online backup $300.00; Harlow’s Bus Sales, bus supply $97.87; Logan Hetland, reimburse fingerprints $43.25;
[IMPREST: Greg Blue, doubleheader basketball referee $130.00; Matt Clark, doubleheader basketball referee/mileage $158.05; Direct Digital Control, balance due $60.00; Hanson School, two junior high girls basketball tourney registrations $150.00; Carrie Howard, junior varsity/varsity doubleheader basketball clock $110.00; Erica Howard, junior varsity/varsity doubleheader basketball shot $110.00; Kimball School, wrestling registration $125.00; Plankinton School, wrestling registration $100.00; Mike Ruth, doubleheader basketball referee $130.00; Bobbi White, varsity basketball official book $70.00];
Jaymar Business Forms, business office tax forms $63.72; Josten’s, high school diplomas $166.07; K&D Busing, half of busing basketball/ag tour bus $510.87, basketball charter bus $975.00; Menards, janitor supply $92.13; Mid-Dakota Technologies, December tech support $175.00; Public Health Laboratory, water tests $300.00; Sanborn Central Food Service, December lunch supervisor food $148.95; Sanborn Weekly Journal, board proceedings $197.45, para opening ad $33.00; Santel Communications, telephone/fax $233.71; South Dakota Department of Health, nurse services $400.00; Sturdevant’s Auto, bus supply $299.98; Mark Van Overschelde, reimburse August-December water postage $249.95; Todd Welch, reimburse two praxis tests $324.92.
CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, copier lease $1,011.83; Mackin Educational Resources, two library books $34.90; Steve Schladweiler, black dirt football field $3,240.00.
FOOD SERVICE Fund – Arctic Refrigeration, inside freezer $569.93; Bimbo Bakeries, bread $27.90; Child/Adult Nutrition, processed commodities $672.94; Conrad Repair, kitchen dishwasher repair $59.12; Darrington Water Conditioning, December SS tank $28.00; East Side
Jersey Dairy, milk $463.27; Performance Foodservice, food $2,294.32, ala carte $221.30, supply $522.03, COVID Fruit and Vegetable $108.23; Staples, supply $592.90; Woony Foods, food $45.46.
Mr. Flatten reported on the following:
• The Department of South Dakota Veterans of Foreign Wars and its Auxiliary announced that Susan Farrell-Poncelet won the VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Award for the 2023-2024 Command Year in South Dakota.
• Lonny and Kelsey Kaiser waxed the hallways and commons over break.
• Students were given report cards from the second quarter January 4th, and quarterly awards were also given.
• Students are enrolled for the upcoming semester. The school is utilizing DIAL courses to expand the course options for students.
• Direct Digital Control came and repaired the heating in the second-grade room and looked at some others at Flatten’s request. The school has some failing fan motors that are going to need to be replaced in the near future.
• Liveticket streaming service is coming to look at the school’s video equipment. There have been issues with audio and visual consistency. There may be upgrades needed. Also, it may be more efficient to have a staff member at Sanborn Central trained in the operation and maintenance of the program.
Mrs. Vermeulen’s Report:
• Busy and cold would describe the beginning of the second semester!
• Grades third through sixth will participate in local spelling bees during the week of January 16-19.
• Local winners may participate in the Mitchell Area Spelling Bee on February 3rd.
• Teachers in grades third through eighth and 11th are administering Interim tests on the computer in order to prepare for the South Dakota English Language Arts, Math, and Science tests, which will be administered at the end of March-beginning of May.
• Students who are labeled Limited English Proficient will be taking the ACCESS test at the end of January through the middle of February.
• There will be no school on January 15 – Martin Luther King Day.
• Vermeulen will be traveling to Pierre on January 30 to attend the School Administrators of South Dakota Legislative Delegate Assembly. Some key issues include: the voucher system, local control, standards, school safety, early childhood, and juvenile justice.
• Blood Drive was postponed and rescheduled to January 17.
• Sanborn Central grade eight and Upland Colony grade four will participate in NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) on February 2nd. The students will either take a reading or math test. Test proctors from NAEP will administer the tests and bring the laptops to gain access.
• The second school-wide PBIS party was held in December. The PBIS team facilitated refresher expectation sessions for grades PreK-fifth on January 4.
• The Middle School Student Council visited the nursing home in Woonsocket, and it was a huge success. Vermeulen was very proud of the six students and the smiles they gave to the residents.
Discussion Items:
• Wessington Springs School Board voted to stay in the current football co-op. A meeting with representatives from all three schools will be held in the future to further discuss the co-op.
Old Business:
Motion by Adams, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the December change from CorTrust CD special rate of 5.05 percent that was discontinued, so the board went with Plains Commerce for the five month CD rate 5.2 percent. Approval was received by Board members Clayton Dean, Mark Goral and Emma Klaas by e-mail and Curtis Adams and Gary Spelbring Jr. by phone.
Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the adjustment of pay for basketball officials to $140.00 for varsity doubleheaders with reimbursement for $0.51 per mile for the driver and $0.18 per mile for riding.
New Business:
Motion by Goral, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to set the date for the 2024 School Board Election as June 18, 2024, in the Sanborn Central School building and appoint three officials.
The Motion was removed to direct the business manager to contact banks to purchase CDs.
Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Adams, all aye, to go into executive session SDCL 1-25-2(1) to discuss personnel and evaluation of the superintendent with possible motions to follow at 7:46 p.m. Regular session resumed at 8:37 p.m.
The next regular Board meeting will be held on Monday, February 12, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at the Sanborn Central School.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 p.m.
Gayle Bechen
Business Manager
Clayton Dean
Board Chair
Published once on January 25, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $109.50 and may be viewed free of charge at