…Read the whole story in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!
…Read the whole story in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!
The Town & Country Fire Department recently had six firefighters finish the state certified Firefighter 1 & 2 class. The 180 hour class started in October with firefighters meeting every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for 10 weeks and finished up with two, 100 question written tests, a hands-on test and a live fire session. The class covers all aspects of firefighting from fire behavior to CPR to hazardous material. Approximately 40 percent of all firefighters in the state are certified to the Firefighter 2 level and Town & Country Fire Department has 98 percent of the department certified to that level with only two of the newest members waiting to take the class.
…See a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!
Christmas was not only in the music room, but all around the gyms at both Woonsocket and Sanborn Central Schools last week as their PreK through 12th grade music concerts were both held. Woonsocket had theirs on Tuesday, Dec. 10, and Sanborn Central performed theirs on Thursday.
In Woonsocket, the fifth-sixth grade band got the evening started as they played “Hot Cross Buns” and “Ode to Joy.” Then, the fifth-seventh grade band presented the concert’s theme song, “Christmas Around the Band room,” followed by a group titled “Seventh Grade Boom Whackers” who played some interesting percussion instruments to the tune of “All I Want for Christmas” by Mariah Carey and “Last Christmas” by Wham. The seventh through 12th grade band ended the band portion with “Feliz Navidad,” “Selections from Polar Express” and “A Crazy Mixed Up Christmas Concert.”
The second half of the concert was started with the seventh through 12th grade choir singing “Antiphonal Deck the Hall” and “Grinch! A Christmas Choral Medley.” They were followed by the third through sixth graders who sang “I Love the Lights,” “Stuck in the Chimney Again” and “Be a Santa Medley.”
The PreK through second grade students usually bring the most smiles as they are either very energetic with their dance moves, shouting out the words of the chorus of each song or standing with their arms folded refusing to sing, and this year wasn’t any different. They performed “Winter is Here,” “Goin’ to a Holiday Party” and “Snowmen Can’t March” while some of the PreK kids fought in the front row and others danced their little hearts out.
The night ended with the PreK through sixth graders singing “Frosty the Snowman” and then all the choir students there in grades PreK through 12 singing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.”
Thursday night’s concert at Sanborn Central was very similar; however, their groupings of kids who performed together was slightly different, but the music performances were wonderful there, too.
They started with the fifth-grade band playing “Hot Cross Buns” and “Jingle Bells.” The fifth-seventh grade band played “Ode to Joy,” and the sixth-seventh grade band played the theme song, “Christmas Around the Band Room.” They were followed by the eighth-tenth grade band playing “Holly Jolly Christmas,” “Frosty the Snowman” and “Jingle Bell Rock.”
The second half of their concert was started with their sixth-12th grade choir students singing “Antiphonal Deck the Hall” and “Grinch! A Christmas Medley,” then the third through fifth grade students performed “I Love the Lights,” “Stuck in the Chimney Again” and “Be a Santa Medley.”
Sanborn Central’s students in PreK through second grades ended the main portion of the concert singing “Winter is Here,” “Goin’ to a Holiday Party” and “Snowmen Can’t March.” The PreK through fifth grade students then performed “Frosty the Snowman,” and they also ended their concert with the PreK through 12th grade students in choir gleefully performing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.”
As always, Santa made his annual visit to Sanborn Central after the concert ended, and he handed out candy bags to all the boys and girls who visited with him and to some who were too scared to visit but were still interested in the treats.
…See pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!