The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 7:04 p.m. in the Sanborn Central library with the following present: Curtis Adams, Mark Goral, Peggy Hinker, Emma Klaas, and Gary Spelbring Jr. Others present were Superintendent Corey Flatten, and Elemenary/Middle School Principal Connie Vermeulen. Absent: Business Manager Gayle Bechen.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Visitors to Board Meeting: Representatives of the SCEA: Megan Wilson and Bailey Deinert.
Motion by Klaas, seconded by Hinker, all aye, to approve the agenda as printed.
Motion by Hinker, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting January 13, 2025, as printed.
Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Adams, all aye, to reaffirm the December 9, 2024, motion 55-2024/2025: Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the school to look for a transit van with intent to purchase with a $49,999.00 purchase limit.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the Financial reports and bills.
General Fund balance, January 1, 2025: $1,080,999.60. Receipts: taxes $16,627.30, penalties/interest $830.10, interest $617.49, admission $1,148.00, other – pupil $3.00, other $248.75, state fines $817.75, state aid January $91,295.00, medicaid adm $695.36, savings account closed $51,259.65. Expenditures: $198,346.42, manual journal entry $411.61, transfer out $80,000.00. Balance, January 31, 2025: $965,783.97. CorTrust Savings balance, January 1, 2025: $51,248.42. Receipts: interest $11.23. Expenditures: $51,259.65. Balance, January 31, 2025: $0.00. CDs $50,000.00. Cash box $505.00.
Capital Outlay Fund balance, January 1, 2025: $533,405.63. Receipts: taxes $2,163.80, penalties/interest $75.80, interest $335.82, miscellaneous revenue $182.00. Expenditures: $1,601.83. Balance, January 31, 2025: $534,561.22. CDs $350,000.00.
Special Education Fund balance, January 1, 2025: $164,984.08. Receipts: taxes $1,350.59, penalties/interest $64.75, interest $97.50, medicaid adm $77.26. Expenditures: $22,808.13, manual journal entry/voided check $98.22. Balance, January 31, 2025: $143,667.83. CDs $250,000.00.
Food Service Fund balance, January 1, 2025: ($13,701.56). Receipts: interest $21.67, student meals $4,854.35, adult meals $654.20, ala carte $2,979.75, federal reimbursement $3,484.54, miscellaneous revenue $817.88, transfer in $50,000.00. Expenditures: $16,235.69. Balance, January 31, 2025: $32,875.14.
Enterprise Fund balance, January 1, 2025: ($3,828.75). Receipts: interest $10.83, tuition $2,800.00, transfer in $30,000.00. Expenditures: $4,607.60. Balance, January 31, 2025: $24,374.48.
Custodial Funds balance, January 1, 2025: $72,555.63. Receipts: $1,603.08. Expenditures: $5,254.25. Balance, January 31, 2025: $68,904.46.
Scholarship Fund balance, January 1, 2025: $5,768.93. Receipts: interest $1.14. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, January 31, 2025: $5,770.07. Peters Scholarship balance: $5,770.07; Nelson Scholarship balance: $0.00.
Salaries and benefits for the month of February 2025 were as follows:
General Fund: $179,191.44;
Special Education: $23,074.36;
Food Service: $11,273.77;
Enterprise Fund: $4,607.60.
Claims approved: GENERAL FUND – A-Ox Welding Supply, cylinder rent $41.12; Auto Value Parts Store, bus supply $27.26; Automatic Building Controls Inc., service fire alarm system $296.92, fire door holder $99.00; Brooks Oil Company, unleaded fuel $2,937.55, #1 diesel $3,055.07, 50/50 diesel $3,429.64; CarQuest, bus supply $947.19; Central Electric, January electricity $4,403.76; Chesterman, pop $63.56; Clayton’s Repair, bus service $90.00, suburban service $60.00; Cole Paper, janitor supply $882.16; CorTrust visa, air card $55.00, air card sports $35.00, middle school dues $200.00, high school dues $200.00, elementary dues $200.00, colony dues $200.00; County Fair, pbis store supply $45.71; Dawson Sanitation Services, LLC, January-March garbage service $1,080.60; Susan Farrell-Poncelet, reimburse high school supply $201.23;
[IMPREST: CorTrust, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports supply $47.47, high school science supply $141.96, high school science equipment $299.98, outside notice board $177.49, graditude card $504.94; Carrie Howard, two basketball doubleheader junior varsity/varsity clock $220.00; Erica Howard, two basketball doubleheader junior varsity/varsity shot clock $220.00; Mid-Dakota Technologies, December tech support $175.00; Jordan Opp, two basketball doubleheader referee/ride $335.80; Joel Osborn, two basketball doubleheader referee/ride $335.80; Greg Stroh, two basketball doubleheader referee/mileage $487.70; Bobbi White, two basketball doubleheader varsity head book $140.00];
J.W. Pepper & Sons, chorus music $175.46; Josten’s, Inc., hard school diploma covers $131.45; K&D Busing, half of basketball busing $2,184.23; Janet Maeschen, reimburse fingerprints $43.25; Menards, ag shop student projects $275.12, bus supply $240.87, janitor supply $187.95; Mid-Dakota Technologies, January tech support $175.00; Pomps Tire Service, bus tires $480.00; SAM’s Club, membership $50.00; Sanborn Central School Food Service, January lunchroom supervisor meals $90.00, ala carte $15.55; Sanborn Weekly Journal, board proceedings $94.14; Santel Communications, phone/fax $233.85, esports tech $50.00; School Specialty, elementary supply $75.90, middle school supply $75.89, high school supply $75.89, superintendent supply $87.57; Williams Musical & Office Equipment, two instrument repair $120.00.
CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — Iverson Chrysler Center, 2022 Ford Transit Van $45,500.00; A&B Business, copier lease $1,011.83; CorTrust visa, down payment on 2022 Ford Transit Van $515.00, weight room accessory racks $1,590.00; Monte Kolbo, used floor scrubber with trade in $4,500.00.
SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – Capital One, supply $133.58; CorTrust visa, dues $200.00;
[IMPREST: USD Center for Disabilities, conference registration Sanderson $160.00, conference registration McClane $160.00];
Kelly McClane, services mileage $88.44.
FOOD SERVICE Fund – Capital One, food $26.11, ala carte $24.48; Child/Adult Nutrition Services, commodity process fees $765.02; CorTrust visa, supply $422.96; Darrington Water Conditioning, January SS tank $34.00; East Side Jersey Dairy, milk $693.13; The Garage, eggs $18.00;
[IMPREST: CorTrust, supply $8.45];
Performance Foodservice, food $5,189.09, ala carte $256.04, supply $205.78, COVID Fruit and Vegetable $666.26; Woony Foods, food $18.69.
Superintendent Flatten reported on the following:
• February 17-21 is South Dakota School Board Recognition Week. Sanborn Central would like to thank the board for their service.
• FFA Week is February 17-21. Activities for the entire school have been organized by the officers and Mr. Welch.
• The boiler was looked at, and the HVAC system was inspected by DDC to keep things running smoothly.
• The school purchased a new transit van to help transport for activities.
• Sickness really impacted the school in January. The Board commends the entire staff for filling in where needed to keep the school running.
• E-Sports Rocket League team qualified for the state competition. The members are Ian Octavo, Clay Moody, and Caleb Kneen.
• February 14th is Professional Development Day for the teachers, titled “Transform Your Classroom.”
• Interviews for open positions are being held February 10-13th.
• There was an update on South Dakota legislature and the impact on the school district. Overall, the legislative session has been positive for public education.
Middle School/Elementary Principal Vermeulen reported on:
• The 100th day of school was celebrated.
• There is no school on February 17th in observance of President’s Day.
• Mrs. Vermeulen was unable to attend the Legislative Delegate Assembly last week due to road conditions.
• ACCESS testing for ELL students has begun at the colony. Mrs. Foster administers at the colony, and one will be done at Sanborn Central.
Discussion Items:
• February 17-21, 2025, Sanborn Central School Board members will be recognized for their dedicated leadership in public education and for improving achievement for the students.
• On behalf of the certified staff, they would like to exchange preliminary proposals for the annual negotiations, ahead of the April Board of Education meeting.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
Motion by Klaas, seconded by Hinker, all aye, to approve the board to direct the business manager to contact banks to locate the highest return on CDs and give permission to rollover the five month CD xxxxxx0848 $52,139.23 with Plains Commerce into an 11 month CD at 4.26 percent APY.
Motion by Hinker, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the proposed calendars for the 2025-2026 school year with the understanding that there may be adjustments needed.
Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the certified and classified letters of intent for employment in the 2025-2026 school year with the understanding that some reassignments and letters of intent to not rehire may be necessary.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve all extracurricular letters of intent for employment in the 2025-2026 school year with the understanding that some reassignments and letters of intent to not rehire may be necessary.
Executive session SDCL 1-25-2(1) to evaluate the business manager was deemed not necessary due to illness.
The next regular board meeting will be Monday, March 10, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central School Library.
Motion by Klaas, seconded by Hinker, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 p.m.
Corey Flatten
Superintendent Mark Goral
Board Chair
Published once on February 27, 2025, at the total approximate cost of $103.00 and may be viewed free of charge at