Woonsocket School Board proceedings


The Woonsocket Board of Education met in regular session on November 13th, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Distance Learning room of the Woonsocket School. Members attending were: Jason White, Lisa Snedeker, Todd Olinger, Jodi Doering and Neal Hiemstra. Others attending were Superintendent Rod Weber, Paula Lynch, Becca Grassel, Kylie Pauly, Dayna Rodriguez, JoLynn Foos, Sarah Lieber and Chris Selland. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
On a motion by Todd Olinger, seconded by Neal Hiemstra, the Board approved the meeting agenda as presented. Motion carried.
The minutes of the regular board meeting held on October 9th, 2017, were approved as presented on a motion by Lisa Snedeker, seconded by Jodi Doering. Motion carried.
Sarah Lieber presented a proposal to the Board to operate a school-run day care center in the governor’s building that previously housed the pre-school classes. A discussion followed and the Board thanked her for her presentation.
On a motion by Jodi Doering, seconded by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the claims presented and the October 2017 financial report as follows; motion carried:
GENERAL FUND, Beginning balance: $962,468.07; Add receipts: Taxes $13,330.19; Interest $471.23; Other local: $4,665.40; State: $81,162.00; Federal: $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $1,062,096.89; less disbursements $172,237.94; Cash balance: $889,858.95; Fund Balance: $889,858.95.
CAPITAL OUTLAY, Beginning balance: $836,478.12; Add receipts: Taxes $8,745.81; Other local: $0.00; Federal: $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $845,223.93; less disbursements $5,963.45; Cash balance: $839,260.48; Fund balance: $839,260.48.
SPECIAL EDUCATION, Beginning balance: $367,355.03; Add receipts: Taxes $4,131.69: Other Local: $0.00; State: $0.00; Federal: $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $371,486.72; less disbursements $20,416.06; Cash balance: $351,070.66; Fund balance: $351,070.66.
PENSION, Beginning balance: $200,478.42; Add receipts: Taxes $0.00; Other Local: $5.82; Total to be accounted for: $200,484.24; less disbursements $0.00; Cash balance: $200,484.24; Fund balance: $200,484.24.
FOOD SERVICE, Beginning balance: $31,290.77; Add receipts: Pupil receipts $8,243.30; Adult receipts $50.00; Milk receipts $0.00; Interest $1.39; Other local: $537.25; State: $0.00; Federal reimbursement: $7,267.44; Total to be accounted for: $47,390.15; less disbursements $11,973.84; Cash balance: $35,416.31; Fund balance: $35,416.31.
ENTERPRISE FUND #53, Beginning balance: $85,307.48; Add receipts: Other local $1,365.00; Total to be accounted for: $86,672.48; less disbursements $5,180.87; Cash balance: $81,491.61; Fund balance: $81,491.61.
TRUST AND AGENCY, Beginning balance: $22,618.00; Add receipts: Interest $1.13; Pupil activities $10,678.96; Total to be accounted for: $33,298.09; less disbursements $4,395.43; Fund balance: $28,902.66.
Salaries and benefits for the month of October 2017 were as follows:
General Fund: $124,438.82
Special Education: $20,285.94
Enterprise #53: $5,171.32
Food Service: $4,666.16
First National Bank, Gas/Supplies $540.48
Associated School Boards of South Dakota, Legion Region Meeting Fee $20.00
AT&T, Cellphone $58.36
Bakers Design, Corsages/Bout.-All-State Chorus $53.50
Bratcher, Jacque, Reimbursement – Background Check $43.25
Brooks Oil, Fuel Oil $3,252.86
Bruce, Jason, Reimbursement – Lego Club Supplies $5.91
BSN Sports, Drink Stations-Football $799.98
Charcole Apps, Annual Fee For App Program $540.00
DB Electric, Heater/Sec. Light For Shed $1,102.55
Express 2, Gas – Vehicles/Mini-Buses $268.50
Express Stop, Gas – Vehicles. Mower, Mini-Buses $365.61
Food Service, Duplicate Payment Refund $27.12
Golden West Technologies, Telephone Service Call $125.00
Hegg Insurance, Package Policy Renewal $21,656.21
Heil Electric, Fixture Lenses $227.61
Highmore-Harrold School, Region Cross Country Fee $45.17
Hillyard, Custodian Supplies $518.35
Howard, Carrie, Clock Operator – Volleyball $180.00
[Imprest Fund:
Cash, Meal – State Cross-Country $76.00
Cash, Meal – National FFA Qualifiers $490.00
Cash, Meal – All State Chorus $224.00
Dockendorf, Tim, Referee/Mileage – Football $163.00
Duxbury, Dean, Referee/Mileage – Volleyball $124.48
Fiegen, Ed, Referee – Football $100.00
Honke, Janel, Referee – Volleyball $85.00
Hunsley, David, Referee – Football $100.00
Materese, Jimmy, Referee – Football $100.00
Nihart, Tim, Referee/Mileage – Volleyball $106.00
Region Five Music Contest, Junior High Music Festival $50.00
SDSU Music, All State Chorus Practice Fee $40.00
US Post Office, Postage Expense $147.00
Young, Brian, Referee – Football $100.00
Wipf, Alison, Referee – Volleyball $85.00
Total October Imprest Claims: $1,990.48]
Jostens, Diplomas $214.71
K&D Busing Inc., Regular Route/Co-Curricular – Band/Chorus $20,322.83
Kingsbury, Tucker, Fifth and Sixth Referee – Three Games $75.00
Ko’s Pro Service, Vehicle/Mower Maintenance $337.37
Larson, Charley, Reimbursement – Background Check $43.25
Lehr, Dave, Tech Support Fee $140.00
Lieber, Sarah, Reimbursement – Library Supplies/Books $253.78
Local Lumber, Shop Supplies/Fresh. Project $2,457.66
Menards, Shop Supplies $86.53
NorthWestern Public Service, Electric Service $3,079.04
Petty Cash, Postage Expense $17.37
Popplers Music, Vocal Music $88.95
R&L Sanitary Service, Sanitary Services $15.00
Renaissance Learning Inc., Accelerated Reading Renewal $2,808.25
Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publications $675.61
Santel Communications, Phone/Cable/Internet $303.97
Schlicht, Shelley, Reimbursement – Gas – State Cross Country $33.03
Swenson, Sarah, Reimbursement – Background Check $43.25
TC Enterprises, Rerouted Wiring For Boiler $244.30
Waste Management of WI-MN, Garbage Service $680.32
White, Bobbi, Line Judging – Volleyball $380.00
Woony Foods, Supplies $387.21
Fund Total: $64,508.37
Capital Outlay
A&B Business Equipment, Copier Lease $1,168.45
G&R Controls, Test Drill $4,000.00
Midwest Boiler Repair, Boiler Repair and Bolt/Floor Replacement $44,350.00
Fund Total: $49,518.45
Special Education
First National Bank, Supplies $44.24
Avera St. Lukes, Client Services $896.00
Career Connections, Job Development Services $174.90
Follett, Special Education Text $46.65
Henriksen, Matthew, Reimbursement – Background Check $43.25
Potrament, Rebecca, Reimbursement – Background Check/Special Education Supplies $86.00
SD Department of Human Services, Case Management Fee – Special Education $593.17
Walmart, Special Ed Supplies $474.18
Wieser Educational, Sped Resource Book $235.94
Fund Total: $2,594.33
Buhls Dry Cleaning, Laundry Service $21.30
Child and Adult Nutrition, Food $362.17
Earthgrains Company, Food $43.20
Goergen, Jennifer, Reimbursement – Background Check $43.25
Variety Food, Food, Supplies, Dishwasher Rent $6,271.62
Woony Foods, Food/Supplies $12.09
Fund Total: $6,753.63
Chris Selland gave the financial report and reviewed the property and liability insurance package policy renewal.
Superintendent Weber updated the Board on the addition project. The latest cost estimate came in higher than anticipated, so he will be working with the architect to bring the estimate more in line with what the district plans to spend. Demand for building resources/materials that have increased with the natural disasters in Texas and Florida may be affecting the estimate at this time and we will not have any solid figures until the project is bid, in which case the Board would have the option to accept or reject any or all bids.
The radar speed signs have been ordered and the Board would like to thank the city, the county, Hegg Insurance, Santel Communications and the Community Club for their donations for the project. Mr. Weber will be working with the DOT on a safety study, which will take approximately one year to complete. Additional safety measures will be considered.
The boiler repairs have been completed and the boiler will be inspected and certified in the near future. The new school app is up and running and being utilized. Annual costs for the app are $540.00. The public information meeting held earlier this evening went well with very few questions about the addition project.
Principal Paula Lynch updated the Board on an assessment program called Moby Max that the kindergarten through sixth grade teachers will be using. This is an in-house testing system that helps to pinpoint areas where students need additional help. The program cost is $99.00 per teacher. The Veterans Day program was held on November 9th with the sixth grade students leading the elementary classes. Thank you to all staff and students involved in the program for honoring those who have served our country.
Motion was made by Neal Hiemstra, with a second by Lisa Snedeker, to approve the surplus/salvage of five shop tables (four wood and one metal) and one overhead projector with broken glass. Motion carried.
A public hearing was held for Special Education Teacher Rebecca Potrament to approve a teacher application waiver. Motion was made by Jodi Doering, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve the application for waiver under administrative rule #24:28:11:01 (General education alternative certificate). The request for waiver will allow her to attain the alternative certification for Special Education Instructor. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Lisa Snedeker, with a second by Jodi Doering, to approve Tucker Kingsbury as a volunteer assistant boys basketball coach for the 2017-2018 season. This will be an internship through DWU and under Head Coach Rod Weber. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Neal Hiemstra, with a second by Jodi Doering, to approve Lisa Snedeker as the District’s Associated School Boards of South Dakota Representative to be present at Delegate Assembly for the district’s vote on legislative issues for 2017-18. Lisa Snedeker abstained from this motion, and motion carried.
Motion was made by Lisa Snedeker, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve a conflict of interest waiver for Rod/Tara Weber owning the Sanborn Weekly Journal effective January 1st, 2018. Anything not regularly submitted to the newspaper will get special approval from the School Board. Motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the November 13th, 2017, regular board meeting of the Woonsocket Board of Education was adjourned at 8:22 p.m. on a motion by Neal Hiemstra, with a second by Jodi Doering. Motion carried.
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