The Town of Artesian Council met on January 3, 2018, in regular session at the Artesian Community Center. Council Member K. Effling called the meeting to order with Council Member C. Danek, Council Member S. Richard and Finance Officer G. Effling present. Also present was T. Fridley.
The minutes of the December 6, 2017, meeting were read; motion to approve by Richard, seconded by Danek, motion carried. Finance Officer Reports were read; motion to approve by Danek, seconded by Richard, motion carried. The following vouchers were presented for the month; motion to approve by Danek, seconded by Richard, motion carried:
USDA – $1,116.00
Xcel Energy – $1,099.08
Artesian Fire Department – $125.00
Dawson Construction Inc. – $1,002.89
Department of Environment and Natural Resources – $50.00
Gwen Effling – $522.94
Farmers Elevator – $582.54
Tom Fridley – $210.00
KO’S Pro Service – $142.95
Prairieland Collection – $82.81
Town of Artesian – $161.78
Old Business:
Streets – discussion, looking good for the winter.
Sewer/Lagoon – discussion, snow packed, but looks good.
Sewer/Garbage – Reviewed delinquent city bills.
New Business:
Motion by Danek, seconded by Richard, to join Planning & Development District III. Motion carried. Purchase product from Commercial Asphalt was tabled until February meeting. Three-year term of Councilmember held by Candace Danek – up for election. Election date is set for April 10th, 2018.
Discussion was held and motion by Danek, seconded by Richard, to accept the following:
Regular Meetings will be held the first Wednesday of each month at the Artesian Community Center at 7:30 p.m.
Regular Depository will be CorTrust Bank, Artesian, S.D.
Official Publication is Sanborn Weekly Journal.
Regular Meeting attendance will be $40.00 per meeting. Finance Officer Salary is set at $500.00. Administrative Wages set at $10.00 per hour. Head maintenance is set at $14.00 per hour. Part-time maintenance will be $8.00 per hour. Mileage will be $0.485 per mile. Tractor/wages for snow removal set at $50.00. Motion carried.
Discussion was held on replacing the bath house at the campground with another type of structure, tabled until the February meeting.
The Town of Artesian will cover the Artesian Volunteer Fire Department members for workman’s comp. Discussion held. Motion by Richard, seconded by Danek. Motion carried. A current list of volunteer fire members needs to be provided.
There being no further business brought before the council, meeting adjourned.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 7, 2018, at the Artesian Community Center at 7:30 p.m.
Gwen Effling
Town of Artesian
Finance Officer
Kurt Effling
Council Member