Audrey and Lloyd Kempf are competing in the National Senior Games in Albuquerque, N.M., next week. This is Lloyd’s 14th Senior Games and Audrey’s 12th. There will be over 14,000 athletes 50 years of age or older competing this year.
When people start to age, they tend to acquire a hobby or two to keep their minds occupied and to defeat boredom. Some start doing more gardening or sewing, while others take on golfing or hunting, but for Audrey and Lloyd Kempf of Woonsocket, competing at a national level in track and field events has been their focus of interest.
Lloyd, now 85, started training and competing for the Senior Games at the age of 57. On June 16, he will be competing in his 14th National Senior Games. The National Games take place every other year. Audrey, a few years younger at 79, started to compete the first year she could at the age of 55. When the Kempfs started competing in the Senior Games, the age someone could start was 55; the rules have since changed, and people as young as 50 can now compete. The participants compete in their age bracket, and they are categorized by the age they will be at the end of the year of competition, so Lloyd will be competing in the 85 age bracket, and Audrey will be competing in the 80 age bracket as her birthday is later this year.
…Read on in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!