The regular meeting of the Woonsocket City Council was called to order by Mayor Richard Reider at 7:00 p.m., Monday, June 3, 2019, with the following members present: Derek Foos, Arin Boschee, Darin Kilcoin, and Brandon Goergen. Joel Rassel and Garret Foos were absent.
Motion by Kilcoin, seconded by Goergen, to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Motion by Boschee, seconded by Kilcoin, to approve the minutes of the May 6, 2019, meeting. Motion carried.
Motion by D. Foos, seconded by Goergen, to approve the following bills.
Milbank Winwater $1,977.81 Water
Department of Revenue $84.00 Water
MARC $3,491.84 Pool Paint
Honda $247.40 Parks
Hawkins $1,411.47 Water
Menards $128.44 Shop
South Dakota Federal Surplus $13.00 Shop
Woonsocket School $16,025.34 Library
Santel Communications $299.45 Phone/Internet
Northwest Pipe Fitting $201.87 Shop
Fastenal Company $55.80 Shop
Express Stop $467.16 Shop
Express 2 $620.70 Shop
AmeriPride $183.21 Shop
Doug’s Custom Paint $323.83 Parks
Benders $1,470.00 Sewer
Northwestern Energy $3,996.99 Utilities
Total: $30,998.31
Community members were present to discuss cars.
Community members were present to discuss sewer backup. Weber will contact the City Insurance to see if it is covered.
Council discussed running dogs at large. They agreed to follow the ordinance.
Council discussed a proposal by the State to change the four-lane highway through town to a three-lane. The State will be coming and doing a presentation at the next meeting.
Council discussed crushed concrete.
The Council discussed a proposal from Waste Management. The area’s territory representative will come to the next meeting to make a presentation.
Council discussed the website.
The Council discussed the surplus sale.
Council discussed the Budget.
The Council discussed the city mowing residential yards that don’t follow the ordinance. The first time is $100.00 and $200.00 every time after.
Council discussed cleaning out ditches. Motion by Kilcoin, seconded by Boschee, to approve the following amounts: Garth Swenson – $800.00 Dan Swenson – $3,000.00. Motion carried.
Council discussed someone patrolling the lake.
Discussion Items:
Council discussed the call service app and encouraged everyone to sign-up.
The Council discussed the bathroom at the campground.
Council discussed the playground equipment.
Council discussed drainage at the Spirit of Faith Church.
Council discussed the cemetery. It was agreed to follow the recommendations by the cemetery board in regards to the removal of flowers.
The Council discussed the ball park.
Council discussed skateboard ramps. They agreed to leave them in place at this time.
Council discussed the pool. It was recommended to pay lifeguards to be on duty during swimming lessons.
The Council discussed a street grant.
Council discussed speed bumps for in front of the pool. Motion by Kilcoin, seconded by Boschee, to purchase a set. Motion carried.
With no other business to discuss. Motion by Goergen, seconded by Kilcoin, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m.
Richard Reider
Tara Weber
Finance Officer