The Town ‘N Kountry Kids Blue Group met on Sunday, Nov. 3, at 4 p.m. at the Letcher Community Center. The meeting was called to order by President Ellie Evans. The pledges were led by Sophie Kelly and Teagen Moody. The roll call question was “What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?” The secretary’s report was read by Payton and was approved as read. Bryce gave the treasurer’s report. The club donated $1,000 to the shooting sports program. Teagen made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Payton seconded the motion.
Committee Reports:
Bryce gave a report on National 4-H Week; he handed out suckers to students at Sanborn Central. Teagen gave a report on the Trunk or Treat; there was a good turn out with 20 trunks. Delaney sent Halloween letters to our club grandparents.
Old Business:
Online registration is open for the current 4-H year, if you have any questions let one of the leaders know. The yearly schedule was handed out at the last meeting, if you did not receive one let Janet know.
New Business:
Club goals are as follows: have 95 percent of the club hand in a completed record book, have five projects to show at Achievement Days, and have each member to attend six meetings or more per year. A motion was made by Teagen to approve the new club goals. Cole seconded the motion.
Upcoming Events:
Fire safety supper is after the meeting tonight with local firemen and EMTs coming to enjoy a meal provided by the club.
American Education Week is Nov. 18-22. The committee members are Michael Hoffman, Tori Hoffman, and Cole and Kelly Wilson.
Recognition event is scheduled for Nov. 10 at 2 p.m. Each family is asked to provide two dozen homemade treats/cookies for sponsor plates. For the event, members are also asked to bring a snack to pass.
Delaney and Ellie will be on the committee to decorate the Community Center Christmas tree. Hudson and Ramsey Fouberg and Sury and Shay Bechen are on the committee to decorate the Courthouse tree. Some items may need to be purchased to decorate the trees.
A motion was made by Cole to purchase meals for families in need for a Thanksgiving meal, and Hudson seconded the motion.Teagen and Memphis Moody, Brady, Bryce and Brooklyn Larson, and Miley and Kaylee Adams are on the committee to organize the Thanksgiving meals.
Christmas Party committee members are Cole and Kelly Wilson, Payton and McKenzie Uecker, and Mason Moody.
New Officers are President – Brady Larson, Vice President – Delaney Zoss, Treasurer – Payton Uecker, Secretary – Hudson Fouberg, Photographer – McKenzie Uecker, Safety – Sophie Kelly, Health – Bryce Larson, Recreation – Ellie Evans.
Camp talks were given by Cole Wilson, Miley Adams, Tori Hoffman, Shay Bechen, and Cannon Zoss.
Tori Hoffman gave a demonstration on “How to make rubber band bracelets.”
Next Meeting: Dec. 8, 4 p.m. at the Letcher Community Center for the club Christmas party.
…See a photo in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!