Twelve counties were represented at the 4-H Fun Horse Show held on Oct. 2 at the 4-H Grounds in Forestburg. Fifty-seven 4-Hers kicked off National 4-H Week by participating in Horse Safety, Horse Judging and riding their horses in several individual events.
Eric Kobernusz of Mt. Vernon served as instructor and judge throughout the day. For Horse Safety, he got the attention of the participants by showing them how to catch and halter a loose horse in the arena. Other information he taught included:
• Moving around your horse safely;
• How to pick up a horse’s feet;
• Direct and indirect reining;
• Saddling;
• Checking tack;
• Sizing the bridle;
• Loping each direction in the correct lead;
• Turning horse on its forehand and hind quarter;
• Backing the horse on the ground.
Participants were able to judge three different classes for horse judging. They included a class of lightweight quarter horses, ponies, and ranch riding.
Ribbons were awarded in each event to the top four finishers in each class of beginner, junior and senior participants. Points were totaled and Grand Champion and Reserve Champion ribbons and prizes were awarded to overall beginner, junior and senior participants. Sponsors providing these special prizes included TSC, Runnings, Campbell Supply and Bill and Betty Zoss.
…To learn the results, read this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.