The Town ‘N Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on Monday, July 26, at the Woonsocket Community Center.
Prior to the meeting, club members enjoyed a light supper and prepared “Thinking of You” cards to send to their elderly friends. Luke Larson presented an illustrated talk on Noxious Weeds of South Dakota and then led a range plant identification activity.
The meeting was called to order by Co-Vice President Dilyn Brooks. The Flag Pledge was led by Chris and Ty Burkel, and the 4-H Pledge was led by Emmitt Feistner.
Roll call was led by Devyn Brooks with the topic, “My Favorite Fruit,” which was answered by 12 members.
The secretary’s report was read by Co-Secretary Acaiya Schultz and approved as read. The treasurer’s report was given by Co-Treasurer Lane Burkel. It was moved by Ty, seconded by Acaiya, to approve the report as presented. Motion carried.
Reports were given by Lane on the Memorial Day program, Elisha Schultz on the Special Foods Contest, Acaiya on the Public Speaking Contest, Emmitt on the Horse Show, and Ty on CDM/Horticulture Judging.
The club discussed the progress of the 20/20 Vision Project to collect gently used eyeglasses to donate.
Members discussed the plans to have a Parade of Purples at the Prairie View Healthcare Center after Achievement Days. A day and time will be determined.
Discussion was held on the upcoming Achievement Days. Leader Paula Linke will work to schedule a baking project day.
For fundraising, club members have an opportunity to help in the Cattleman’s Booth at Dakotafest and the State Fair. They have also been asked to set barrels Oct. 2-3.
The next meeting will be scheduled in August.
…See a photo in this week’s issue fo the Sanborn Weekly Journal!