The Town ‘N Kountry Kids 4-H Club – Blue Group met on Jan. 20 at the 4-H building in Forestburg.
The meeting was called to order by President Brady Larson. Pledges were led by Dean Hanson and Sidney Richardson. Sixteen members and six Cloverbuds answered the roll call topic, “What is your favorite munchie during the Super Bowl?” Secretary’s report was read by Payton Uecker. Bryce Larson gave the treasurer’s report, and a motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Michael Hoffman and seconded by Caleb Kneen.
Committee Reports were as follows: The playground equipment is all here and Myron Sonne is letting the club store it in his shed until it is nice enough to put the equipment together and in place. Michael Hoffman and Kenlie Fridley reported on the Community Christmas and caroling. Kenlie Fridley also gave a report on the Christmas tree at the courthouse. The tree was a 4-H theme and was on the second floor.
Old Business: Delaney Zoss and Dean Hanson gave a report on the bowling party, which was held on Jan. 1 at the Village Bowl in Mitchell. Michael Hoffman and Shay Bechen reported on shooting sports. The first match shoot of the season is to be held on Jan. 28. Tori Hoffman and Kenlie Fridley gave reports on the blanket buddies.
New Business: All club members need to have one personal goal for this 4-H year by the next meeting. The club voted on two club goals to have this year. The winning goals are: Each member to complete three projects, and to complete the park in Letcher and have a celebration. Fruit sales packets were handed out and they are due back to the office by Feb. 27 with a delivery date of March 24. Ellie Evans will take care of Valentine’s for the grandparents. For meeting projects, Steve Zoss talked about doing some livestock judging after meetings and also doing a hydro-dipping project with old bones with the club. Payton Uecker made a motion to purchase a new 4-H Flag and US Flag along with a new light. Dean Hanson seconded the motion. Dean Hanson made a motion to purchase 4-H calendars to take notes at each meeting. Cole Wilson seconded the motion.
Upcoming Dates: Jan. 22 is the Central Electric supper. Feb. 16, at 9 a.m., is a youth quality care training which is mandatory for all swine exhibitors, at 10 a.m. is a cultural paper bead craft/ consumer decision making contest and horticulture skill-a-thon #1. April 2 there will be a babysitting clinic. May 23 is the special foods contest.
Talks and demonstrations were given by: Keaton Fridley – “How to Make Magnetic Putty,” Brady Larson – “Germs Everywhere,” Sidney Richardson – “How to Make a Homemade Speaker,” Delaney Zoss – “Stepping Up Your Lamb Project,” Dean Hanson – “Christmas Traditions in Canada”
Club members participated in a cooking skill-a-thon. A character counts activity was presented by Janet Maeschen.
Snacks were provided by Ashlee and Dean Hanson and Chloe Ruml, Miley, Kaylee and Whitney Adams.
The next meeting is scheduled for Feb. 16 at 7 p.m. at the Letcher Community Center.
…See a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.