Town ‘N Kountry Kids Red Crew meets

Hope and Xavier Baysinger demonstrate how to make Valentine’s Bird Feeders.

The Town ‘N Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on Jan. 26 at the 4-H Building in Forestburg. Prior to the meeting, Xavier and Hope Baysinger gave a demonstration on making Valentine’s Day birdfeeders.

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Xavier at 6:45 p.m. The flag pledge was led by Myles Larson, and the 4-H pledge was led by Isaiah Schultz. Roll call was led by Megan Linke with the question, “What is your favorite color?” which was answered by 20 members.

The secretary’s report was read by Evan Ohlrogge, and approved as read. The treasurer’s report was given by Acaiya Schultz and approved as presented.

Reports were given by Emily Ohlrogge and Alex Anderson on Shooting Sports, and by Lane Burkel on delivering goodie plates to the elderly friends. Hope told the group about attending a Cultural Paper Bead Craft day and encourages others to attend the one at Forestburg on Feb. 16.

For old business, the club t-shirt order was finalized.

The State Youth Council Community Service activity, Blanket Buddies, was discussed. The Youth Council challenges each county 4-H program to make the most number of fleece tie blankets to donate to a local health care facility, shelter and/or food pantry. It was decided to make eight fleece tie blankets to donate to the McCrossan Boys Ranch, and deliver them, along with requesting a tour, when the club has their fun day in Sioux Falls.

The tables purchased along with the Woonsocket American Legion have been delivered. The club will take a picture at the next 4-H meeting.

Plans were discussed for a fun activity. It was decided to go to Air Madness instead of Skyzone, and the club members will also go bowling.

Under new business, fruit sale envelopes are out. Be sure to get selling!

Discussed were more ideas for community service. The Red Crew decided to do a lifesaver thank you project. They will make them at the next meeting. For another community service project, the club decided to provide a drop-off point for old computer equipment during the city-wide rummage sale, and deliver the equipment for recycling.

The next meeting will be scheduled for mid-February.

Following the meeting, club members participated in a number of activities. Recreation officer Hope led a game of Boppity-Bop-Bop-Bop.  Members completed a Consumer Decision Making contest on choosing a toy, and also did a Horticulture ID activity.  The club prepared Valentine cards for their elderly friends and signed 4-H sponsor thank you cards. Members made a Valentine tic-tac-toe snack craft with Leader Lisa Snedeker. Henry Hunter gave an illustrated talk on The Dangerous Effects of Inbreeding in Sheep. Brownies were served by Leader Paula Linke.

…See another picture of the meeting in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

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