This year marked the 80th Western Jr. Livestock Show, held Oct. 4-7, in Rapid City, at the Central States Fairgrounds. Youth from South Dakota, Nebraska and Wyoming competed in the four-day event in various livestock competitions and contests.
In the beef show, Megan Linke exhibited an Angus Jr. Bull calf and received a blue ribbon and her Angus Jr. Heifer calf received a purple ribbon.
Nathan Linke received a blue ribbon with his Angus Jr. Bull calf and his Yearling Angus Heifer won her class with a purple.
Aaron Linke received two purples with his Jr. Angus Heifer calf and Yearling Angus heifer.
Bryce Larson exhibited a Jr. Shorthorn Heifer and received a purple.
Cannon and Delaney Zoss brought an impressive set of wether lambs to town for the show. Delaney’s lambs won three classes with all purple ribbons, one-second place purple and one-fifth place blue ribbon lamb. Cannon had one second place purple and two blue ribbon wether lambs. Cannon and Delaney were awarded Reserve Pen of three market lambs.
In the Livestock Judging Contest, Jerauld-Buffalo, Aurora and Sanborn 4-H youth teamed up to compete. The beginner team of Royce Bruns (second), Teagan Scheel (sixth), Kerstynn Heim (13th), Bryce Larson (25th), Cannon Zoss (26th) and Layce Bruns (29th) placed second as a team. Delaney Zoss placed 15th as an individual. Aaron Linke (14th), Talli Heim (15th), Megan Linke (22nd) and Nathan Linke (24th) made up the senior team and placed second as a team.
In the Livestock Skillathon contest, Nathan Linke placed second as a senior; Delaney Zoss placed fourth and Cannon Zoss placed fifth in the beginner division. The Livestock Skillathon contest consisted of identifying breeds of livestock, identifying livestock equipment, evaluating hay, feed and wool samples.
In the Range ID contest, Aaron Linke placed second and Nathan Linke place fifth. In the Meat ID contest youth identify primal and retail cuts of meat and named the species associated with each cut; Aaron placed first and Nathan second in this contest.
Sanborn County did very well keeping their stall space tidy and neat. In the Beef Herdsmanship contest, they placed second, and first in Sheep Herdsmanship.
Congrats to these youth for their achievements! 4-H offers many different project areas and focuses education on leadership, science, ag-vocacy, and healthy relationships.
The new 4-H year has begun; for more information on how to join 4-H, contact the local SDSU Extension office or Audra Scheel, SDSU Extension 4-H Youth Program Advisor at
…See pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.