The Letcher Legion Auxiliary has announced the winners of their poppy poster contest, judged by Jane Amick. The results are as follows:
Class I – first, Lanae Wurtz; second, Ava Wurtz; third, Sophia Wurtz;
Class II – first, Kaylee Adams; second, Kaidence Fridley; third, Simon Wurtz;
Class III (only two entries) – first, Michyl Wurtz; second – Judah Wurtz;
Class IV (colony students) – first, Teah Wipf; second, Savannah Wurtz; third, Titus Wipf;
Class VII (one entry) – John Dise.
Winners will move on to Hot Springs for the state contest, judged by Jane Benzel.
….See a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!