After COVID-19 put a halt to things like Girls State last summer, they are able to convene and start these types of activities up again. This year Sanborn County will have four delegates attending the 75th Annual American Legion Auxiliary South Dakota Girls State program on the campus of the University of South Dakota in Vermillion. The program will take place May 31 through June 5.
Representing the Woonsocket American Legion Auxiliary Post 29 is Dilyn Brooks, a junior at Woonsocket High School, and the daughter of John and Liz Brooks of Woonsocket and MaryFrances Bruce, also a junior at WHS, who is the daughter of Charlotte Bruce and Jason Bruce of Woonsocket.
Representing the Letcher Tormey-Stach Unit 93 Auxiliary is Dayton Easton, a junior at Sanborn Central High School. She is the daughter of JD and Jenny Easton of Letcher. Also representing the Letcher unit is Shania Cornelius, a junior at Sanborn Central, and the daughter of Greg and Jeanette Cornelius of Forestburg.