
Wordsworth – Because Words Matter

There’s no excuse for name-calling by Noel Hamiel

Name-calling – the use of abusive names to belittle or humiliate another person in a political campaign or argument. – Dictionary.com
In our language’s impressively large collection of insulting words, where does “pond scum” rank, exactly?
Is it above “cur” or “malcontent”?  Would it be below “liar” or “deviant”?
Certainly it would be on a par with “chicken,” another term employed by state Rep. Lee Schoenbeck to describe House Republican Leader Brian Gosch, of Rapid City. For a moment, it sounded like Donald Trump talking. Trump recently called his GOP primary opponent Ted Cruz “dishonest” and “unstable” before declaring, “He’s nuts.”
I was shocked at Schoenbeck, a Watertown lawyer and experienced Republican lawmaker. Though he is in his first term in the House since his election in 2014, he previously served two terms in the Senate, is adept at conflict resolution and is seen, even by his adversaries, as highly capable.
The language was a frontal attack not only on Gosch, but on the Legislature’s Rules of Conduct. It was conduct unbecoming of a legislator, and totally unexpected. Even more surprising was his threat to resign his seat, which he on Friday recanted.
When the infighting becomes this heated among Republicans, does it reveal the depth of differences inside the GOP tent or simply healthy egos at work?
It was expected that Gosch, and some other conservatives in the House, would oppose the governor’s tax increase. What was somewhat surprising is that opponents to Gov. Daugaard’s measures did not offer specific alternative legislation to raise the dollars needed for teacher pay.
This public and contentious split among GOP lawmakers in Pierre has been brewing for awhile and noticeable fissures were seen over earlier funding fights related to road and bridge appropriations.  For conservative Republicans, few issues can bring a pot to boil faster than the thought of raising taxes.
In recent years, I can recall only one other example that was this egregious, and it occurred on the floor of the House. After Roger Hunt of Brandon concluded his explanation of a bill that he had sponsored, Ed Iron Cloud of Porcupine stood and called him a “liar.” It was a stunning moment, and out of character for House decorum.
Name-calling is unacceptable. Though the language used last week was not on the floor of the House, it was just as troubling. It undermined a civility needed today – more than ever – in the political process. South Dakota does not need to emulate the national.

View from the Basement

Valentine Date—Rebooted by Dee Baby

Pictured left to right: Ken Johnson, Craig Godfrey, Misty Brewer, Georgia Bennett, Esther Buck, Brittney Baysinger, Tina Arends and Dee Baysinger.

Pictured left to right: Ken Johnson, Craig Godfrey, Misty Brewer, Georgia Bennett, Esther Buck, Brittney Baysinger, Tina Arends and Dee Baysinger.

After the last disastrous gastronomical Valentine brunch was cancelled, our group decided to shoot for Saturday of this week to meet at Minerva’s in Sioux Falls. The weather promised warmth and sunshine to add another positive note to the trip. I looked with dismay at the KELO news that morning, as they were reporting a fire at a restaurant in downtown Sioux Falls! Thankfully, it was not Minerva’s but a Mexican restaurant close by.
No trip to Sioux Falls is complete ‘til Georgia and I stop at County Fair in Mitchell to hit the bakery and nab some rolls, even though I’ve already eaten breakfast. My penchant is for fried croissants with a glaze. Lord knows, I can’t make it two hours without eating.
We stopped and took a tour of my niece Brittney’s (Soop’s youngest daughter) house that she had recently purchased. The kitchen was impressive with plenty of cabinet space, so Georgia asked her why her new box of pans was still in a box on the floor. She replied, “I don’t cook!” Will this next generation no longer even need kitchens in their houses? Being a transient person all my life, I much admire her drive and ambition to set down roots and realize that $800 rent per month is money down the drain when a house payment is cheaper. Brit said what sold her on the house was a window seat to sit and read in. Bravo, Brit! Then she accompanied us to lunch and shopping.
We had a new face at the lunch this year—Tina Kilcoin Arendas. Tina is a perfect fit to fun conversation. I love her husky voice and throaty laugh and I always tell her she looks Italian or Greek. (With a voice like that, she would be a shoo-in for one of those love-connection hotlines.) It’s a small world because our waitress had known Arne Baysinger. He had lived with her best friend, Pat, and she said they always called Arne “Woodchuck” because he cut and sold firewood.
Craig was up for entertainment this year and had promised us some male strippers to spice up lunch. Two and one-half hours later, no strippers had appeared, but he did gift all of us ladies with a red rose, and I got the extras! I gifted Ken and Craig with my special vintage wine with my semi-nude melon picture on the label. I believe it was a hit for a surprise gift.
Brittney brought up the point that, since I will be leaving my basement abode in April (just like a bear in hibernation), I will need a new title for my column. I won’t be venturing far, just across the highway to where Dr. Krog resided. A few suggestions tossed around the table were “A View from the Railroad Tracks” or “A View from the Edge…of Town”. Feel free to add your two cents if you see me.
The funny stories we share are always the highlight of our day. Our waitress, Laura, requested that we always ask for her when we come again. Anyway, I had to relate that due to an insurance change at work, I had to abandon my Dr. Reynen because he’s no longer covered. Finding a new doc is a pain in the _ _ _. Dr. Reynen is used to our pranks, like when Georgia showed up and gave him a watermelon from Soop’s patch and told him that’s all she could afford to pay!
I chose my doctor to be a woman—highly unusual for me. I decided I would start her off right and let her know up front what my humor was like. She had a young assistant who had to ask a list of tedious medical history when up popped a question I had never been asked. She asked if I was sexually active? I perked up immediately and said, “I’ve been know to break furniture!”
Dee Baby
P.S.—Our group voted to meet two times a year now. Our group photo was taken by a group of girls. I yelled, “Young girl table, will you take our picture?” They graciously did and our table reciprocated by singing “Happy Birthday” to them for their celebration.
P.S.—P.S.—We also braked for our first rummage sale of 2016! Believe me, when Georgia brakes, she “Brakes” and careens around the corner on two wheels.

Week 6 of the legislative session is in the books, and I wanted to wait until we took another vote on HB 1182 before writing my summary. After more than two hours last week of strong debate before a packed gallery, we repeated another hour of debate today before the bill was finally passed with exactly 47 votes. The proponents lost one yes vote but picked up two no votes garnishing the exact amount needed to pass. I was very relieved that we were able to gain the votes needed to send 1182 to the Senate.
This previous weekend we also had the legislative cracker barrel in Madison. I want to thank everyone who attended and also thank them for their professional questions and character. There are many contentious issues here in Pierre this year and we don’t always agree on them all. But it is important to still treat each other the way we would like to be treated and I was very happy with how the cracker barrel was attended.
I want to take this moment to answer a few questions that arose from the discussion. One of the questions was why don’t we use video lottery to fund education. The answer to that is that we do theoretically. One hundred percent of video lottery dollars are deposited into the general fund. Education is also paid out of the general fund, roughly 46 cents for every dollar. So the revenue gained from video lottery is already being allocated to fund general fund programs including education. Video lottery has also seen many ups and downs over the past five to 10 years. To depend solely on such an unstable revenue would not be effective for education.
It was also asked if our current budget would allow the dollars to fund the proposed teacher salary increase. The answer from the Appropriations committee has been a solid no. The last three years the federal government has been consistently cutting back 10 to 15 million dollars, and every department that has come in front of the Appropriations committee has had a reduction of federal funds.
I think it’s wonderful we are separating ourselves from our federal dependency, but this means we need to be smarter with our dollars. If we were to go through and cut the departments and reign back in the money we have this year, how long could it be sustained? We will continue to have the same issues with the Department of Corrections and their pay, the same problems with Community Support Providers, and the same problems with multiple other departments. We need new revenue and HB 1182 is the answer.
I want to thank everyone for their concerned emails, texts, phone calls and social media messages. Your voices are heard and I try my best to reply back to all who take the time out of their day to contact me. It is an honor to serve District 8 and I would encourage everyone to stop out to the capitol for a day this session. Please contact me with any questions or concerns at Rep.Wollmann@state.sd.us or on social media. Thank you!

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