This year’s Homecoming events were well attended with great participation. The weather was wonderful, the Disney theme was entertaining, and the students kept things to a level of good, clean fun.
The results for the Homecoming parade are:
Woonsocket Elementary – first place, sixth grade; second place, third grade; third place, Pre-K;
Woonsocket seventh through 12th – first place, juniors; second place, announced as seventh grade, but, after further deliberation, was probably supposed to go to the eighth grade; third place, sophomores;
Sanborn Central School – first place, second/third grade; second place, Pre-K; third place, first grade;
Businesses/Organizations – first place, Horizon Health Clinic; second place, Santel; third place, First National Bank of Omaha.
…See extra pages of color filled with pictures from Homecoming in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!