On Tuesday, Aug. 6, the Woonsocket Summer Rec program held their end of season party and awards ceremony. The evening was enjoyed with a meal of grilled hot dogs and burgers, chips, dessert and beverages. After the meal, Coach Weber recognized this year’s standout athletes in softball and baseball.
On the U8 softball team, the MVP award went to Sienna Swenson, and the Most Improved award was given to Scarlett Roth. In U10 softball, Jocelyn Grassel was awarded MVP, and Emrie Voneye was acknowledged as Most Improved. On the U12 team, Kaylee Adams earned MVP honors, and Cailie Roth was awarded Most Improved.
On the Rookies baseball team, Jaxtyn Jurgens was named MVP, and Sterling Baruth was presented Most Improved. On the Minors team, Grady Swenson was given the MVP award, and Aiden Westendorf was designated Most Improved. On the Majors baseball team, Trevor Johnson was awarded MVP, and Mathias Lindgren earned Most Improved.
Carson Miller and Haylee Foos were awarded the Greg “Ace” Uken award for character on and off the field.
…See a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!