FSA News

By Owen Anderson, County Executive Director Sanborn/Jerauld County Office
CRP Grazing Extension:  The deadline to complete emergency grazing has been extended to Nov. 30 on certain CRP practices. This change only affected two contracts in Sanborn/Jerauld and we called those people. Others who grazed need to remove livestock by Sept. 30 and report by Oct. 5. The extension does not apply to approved CRP haying plans.
USDA Disaster Declarations:  USDA has added Sanborn County to the list of approved primary natural disaster areas for 2012. Jerauld County then receives a contiguous disaster area designation.  This action makes producers in both counties eligible for disaster assistance. We don’t know what assistance, if any, will be available as that has not been determined. Typically, disaster assistance comes the year after the disaster so we wouldn’t expect anything until next summer or fall. Emergency loans are available through FSA’s Farm Loan Programs.
Happy Retirement Wishes to Sharon Krueger. We were all fortunate to have Sharon working for FSA. Sharon was very dedicated and conscientious. She worked many extra hours to get the job done when short staffed in Jerauld and right up to the last minute processing producer documents and helping with the transition from two offices to one. Sharon’s last day was Friday, Aug. 31. Congratulations and gratitude from your co-workers and no doubt from all Producers as well.
“USDA is an equal opportunity employer and provider.”

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