Drew Olinger, Jonathan Linke, Nathan Linke, Clay Olinger, Xavier Baysinger, Taryn Ziebart and Megan Baysinger participate in the new Consumer Decision Making Contest.
Local 4-H members participated in a Consumer Decision Making Contest on Wednesday, March 13.
The State 4-H program has been working on revamping the judging at the State Fair to make it more in-line with the national contests. So, the Consumer Decision Making Contest (CDM) is the old judging schools. Over the next few months there will be three CDM (judging schools) for the 4-Hers. From those contests, the 4-Her’s scores will be tabulated and they will qualify for the State Fair Judging teams.
The former Family Consumer Science Judging (FCS) will now be called Consumer Decision Making. Another change, the Photography and Visual Arts judging teams will no longer be held at the state level.
In 2013, a demonstration type event will be on display at the State Fair for people to learn more (with the intent of transitioning into a skill-a-thon type event in the future).
At the CDM, 4-H Advisor Audra Scheel introduced the new concept of judging/skill-a-thon to 4-H members. Some of the things the members did was identify the names and types of various cooking utensils, tools, carpet samples, fabrics, sewing tools, curtains and vegetables.
The 4-Hers also judged and evaluated different shampoos and credit cards.