Pictured above are 4-H senior division shooters Jonathan Linke and Elliott Ohlrogge with Coach Art Kneen, who will be heading to the National 4-H Shoot in Grand Island, Neb. to compete in the air pistol discipline competition. They are standing by the target box that is used to practice shooting silhouettes for the competition. The silhouettes and box were purchased by the Sanborn County 4-H Shooting Sports program last year at the National Shoot.
Sanborn County 4-H was represented well at the South Dakota 4-H State Shoot at the end of April in Pierre/Ft. Pierre with 31 4-H youth competing in 77 events.
Shooters qualified for the State 4-H Shoot by shooting a qualifying score on a match shoot day. Total entries for the State Shoot were over 2,000. Shooters competed in BB gun, air pistol, air rifle, 22 Rifle CMP, 22 Precision Rifle, and Archery events including compound with and without sight and/or release, and recurve.
Shooters competing at the State Shoot were, senior division: Elliott Ohlrogge, Jonathan Linke, Austin Ball, Aaron Linke, April Farmer, Ryan Pearson, Hailey Bruckner and Meghan Chada; junior division: Matt Terkildsen, Jared Goldammer, Nathan Linke, Erica Howard, Brooklyn Swenson, Samantha Dean, Evan Ohlrogge, Renee Farmer, Shaun Snedeker and Alissa Ball; beginner division: Taylor Lindsey, Megan Linke, Xavier Baysinger, Noah Terkildsen, Hannah Terkildsen, Dilyn Brooks, Kaylee White, Trista White, Emily Ohlrogge, Tyler Eddy, Katie Schmit, Carver Lindsey and Nick Snedeker.
Result highlights are as follow: J. Linke took second place in the senior division of 22 CMP rifle with scope. Ell. Ohlrogge placed third in the senior division of air pistol (slow fire). A. Linke received second place in the senior division of archery compound without sights with release. N. Linke took third place in the junior division of archery compound without sights with release.
As a team, the senior division BB gun team placed third. Team members were Ell. Ohlrogge, J. Linke, A. Linke and Aus. Ball.
Also doing well as a team was the beginner division BB gun team of T. Lindsey, N. Terkildsen, M. Linke and Baysinger, who placed eighth.
Many of our individual shooters did very well even though they were not in the top three: BB gun with 256 competing beginners – M. Linke 59, N. Terkildsen 60, T. Lindsey 63, K. White 64; BB gun, 194 juniors – M. Terkildsen 39; BB gun, 71 seniors – J. Linke 17, Ell. Ohlrogge 20; air rifle, 47 seniors – Ell. Ohlrogge 9, J. Linke 15; air pistol, 80 beginners – Brooks 26, Baysinger 33; air pistol (slow fire), 82 juniors – M. Terkildsen 11, Swenson 26; air pistol (slow fire), 44 seniors – Aus. Ball 16, J. Linke 17; precision 22 rifle, 30 seniors – J. Linke 4, Ell. Ohlrogge 13; and 22 CMP rifle, 37 seniors – Ell. Ohlrogge 6.
Besides competing against each other for placings, shooters are also competing for a purple, blue, red or white ribbon. Scoring requirements to receive a purple ribbon are difficult. Receiving a purple ribbon at the State Shoot this year were, 22 CMP rifle senior division – J. Linke, Ell. Ohlrogge and A. Linke; 22 CMP rifle beginner division – N. Linke; precision 22 rifle senior division – J. Linke; Air Pistol junior division – M.Terkildsen; and Air Pistol senior division – Ell. Ohlrogge.
Finally, in the senior division, shooters have the opportunity to qualify for a national team in air pistol, air rifle, 22 rifle or archery. The top shooters at the State Shoot are chosen for the national team. In the air pistol discipline, the qualifying scores are a combination of the slow fire competition, the rapid fire and a silhouette competition. Ell. Ohlrogge and J. Linke made the four-member National Air Pistol team for South Dakota.
Sanborn County Coach Art Kneen was chosen as the coach for the South Dakota Air Pistol team.
The National Shoot will be held June 24-28 in Grand Island, Neb.