KEN Schlimgen listens with the sixth grade science class from Sanborn Central as Jenny Wolff of East River Electric gives her talk.
On Friday, Jan. 7, Jenny Wolff, education specialist from East River Electric in Madison, and Ken Schlimgen from Central Electric came to Sanborn Central to present a program on electricity for Mrs. Farmer’s sixth grade science class.
The students participated in discussions that included what electricity is and where it comes from, different sources of electricity and what a cooperative is and does.
Students became the powerhouse as they rode a bicycle with a generator attached that produced power. As Jenny turned on electrical items (a hairdryer, fan and lights), the harder it was to pedal the bicycle. The students multiplied volts X amps to calculate the watts that each electric appliance used. They also compared the amount of energy consumed by LED, CFL and incandescent lights.
Schlimgen led to a discussion about energy conservation, what the students can do to reduce energy consumption and ultimately reduce their household electricity bill.