JARED GOLDAMMER, Rex Schlicht and Spens Schlicht make up the Woonsocket Cross Country team and have had much success versus bigger schools on the junior varsity and varsity levels.
The Woonsocket Cross Country team has been competing in several meets around the state. The season opened on Sept. 5 with a meet in Redfield. They have also been to DeSmet, Arlington, Dell Rapids and Sioux Valley.
There are three young men running on the team. Rex Schlicht has been competing in the varsity division and Jared Goldammer and Spens Schlicht have been competing in the junior varisty division. The competition at the meets is usually a mixture of A and B schools. The boys have worked hard and are doing a good job of representing our school!
Results of the meets so far are:
Redfield: varsity (62 runners) – Rex placed seventh overall and second in the B division; junior varsity (78 runners) – Spens placed third overall and second in the B division; junior varsity – Jared came in 56th.
DeSmet: varsity (52 runners) – Rex placed fourth overall and first in the B division; junior varsity (46 runners) – Spens placed third overall and second in the B division.
Arlington: varsity (54 runners) – Rex won fourth overall and first in B division; junior varisty (56 runners) – Spens got first overall and Jared placed 18th.
Dell Rapids: varsity (66 runners) – Rex placed ninth overall and second in B; junior varsity (87 runners) – Spens placed second overall and first in B; Jared placed 49th overall and sixth in the B division.