Pictured above are Modern Woodmen and 4-H leaders and members presenting Keith and Barb Senska with a check from Modern Woodmen of America for $3,257 which includes $1,000 in matching funds. Pictured in back: Paula and Henry Linke, Janet Maeschen, Riley Zoss, Jonathan Linke, R.L. and April Larson and Pat Larson; front row: Nathan Linke, Stacy Zoss, Keith and Barb Senska, Jeanette Luthi and Aaron and Megan Linke.
Modern Woodmen of America members in Woonsocket recently teamed up with Sanborn County 4-H and the Town ‘N Kountry Kids 4-H Club to help raise money for Keith Senska with a pie social and auction.
The event, held during Sanborn County 4-H Achievement Days on Aug. 3 raised $3,257. This includes $1,000 matched by Modern Woodmen’s home office through the organization’s Matching Fund Program. The money will be used for medical expenses incurred in his successful battle with tongue cancer.
The Matching Fund Program offers Modern Woodmen members nationwide the chance to show their support for a community cause, organization or individual in need by holding fundraisers. Modern Woodmen matches money raised up to $2,500. These fundraising projects contribute $9 million to community needs nationwide each year.
“The community truly came together to support a local need,” says Stacey Malde, local Modern Woodmen chapter activities coordinator. “That support is what it’s all about.”
Coordinated by local Modern Woodmen members, chapters provide opportunities to take part in social activities and community service projects to meet local needs.
For more information or to get involved, contact Malde at (605) 236-5611 or stacey.malde@mwarep.org.
As a tax-exempt fraternal benefit society, Modern Woodmen sells life insurance, annuity and investment products not to benefit stockholders but to improve quality of life for our members, their families and their communities. This is accomplished through social, charitable and volunteer activities. Annually, Modern Woodmen and its members provide nearly $29 million and 1 million volunteer hours for community projects nationwide.fundraisers. Modern Woodmen matches money raised up to $2,500. These fundraising projects contribute $9 million to community needs nationwide each year.