A new male swan was brought to Lake Prior as a mate for the female, who was widowed after a late spring blizzard.
The male was introduced to his new home this past weekend and is still getting used to his surroundings and his female partner.
The timing for the introduction, with the water festival celebration this week, is unfortunate, as the new swan is not used to the chaos of the Fourth. The City of Woonsocket asks that the swans be given ample space during the activities centered around the lake. Please do not go near the swans, feed them or harass them in any way.
Also, the City of Woonsocket stresses there are to be no fireworks of any kind shot off around the lake throughout the Fourth of July holiday.

A new handicap accessible alumninum dock is being installed just in time for the July Fourth festivities. The dock will be connected to the cement pad shown.
City workers Rich Jensen and Drew Hinker along with Dick Regynski, who put the dock together, are shown getting the area ready last Tuesday morning.