IN BACK: Bailey Moody, Tater Moody, Madi Moody; front row: Teya Moody, Aubrey Kropp, Trey Moody and Mason Moody.
The last rodeo of the summer was held in Kennebec on Sept. 7. Participating in the rodeo were seven Sanborn Central students: Bailey, Madi and Mason Moody, Tater, Teya and Trey Moody and Aubrey Kropp.
Although the day was hot the kids and their horses did fantastic. Bailey Moody won the All-Around in the 15-19 girls division and Trey Moody won Reserve in the 5-7 boys division.
It is sad to see the rodeo season end, but it will be fun to watch these kids participating in their other sports this fall. Great job to all of you! Good luck in your fall/winter sports.