SPENS SCHLICHT sweeps up the brand new poultry and rabbit shed, which was built onto the livestock barn using funds donated to the 4-H program by Kevin Baysinger, who was awarded the Monsanto Funds America’s Farmers Grow Communities Project.
The 2013 Sanborn County 4-H Achievement Days are in the history books.
Activities began Wednesday evening as static exhibits were entered at the 4-H Building in Forestburg.
Friday evening was the poultry and rabbit show, with around 100 entries.
Saturday morning kicked off with the hog, dog and sheep show followed by the cattle and goats, winding up around 5:30 p.m.
The annual barbecue was a huge hit, selling well over 300 sandwiches and running out of pork.
Also held during the day was a pie contest and social and the Sanborn County Health Fair.

ONE OF THE more ingenious and highly useful exhibits at this year’s Achievement Days was this calf catcher, built by Corrie Snedeker. Snedeker was inspired to build a safer and more efficient way to catch and treat calves out in the pasture and came up with this design. The vehicle is simply driven up behind the calf and lined up with the open door of the cage (shown closed at front). The door is closed once the calf is inside and the driver is free to treat it without worry of retaliation from the mother. The calf catcher folds up over the vehicle for travel down the road. Snedeker graduated from Woonsocket High School this spring and also used his calf catcher for his senior project.