Sanborn County Commissioners proceedings

AUGUST 6, 2013

The Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, August 6, 2013, at 9:00 a.m. with Chairman Ebersdorfer presiding. Other members present were: P. Larson, Blindauer, Ohlrogge and S. Larson. Also present was Auditor Larson.
Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to amend the minutes to the July 2nd, 2013 minutes. They should have included “Jessica Pickett, Palace City Transit, will apply for the bus grant Section 5311 Title IIIB on behalf of Sanborn County.” Motion carried.
Lee Goergen, Highway Superintendent/Weed Supervisor, met with the board. Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by S. Larson, to replace the doors including the wiring on the highway shop. Motion carried.
Ron Gillen and Chris Van Schepen of Brosz Engineering and Tammy Williams, Eric Prunty, Lance Birger, and Doug Kinniburgh of the South Dakota Department of Transportation met with concerned citizens about the current sign project in the county which is a federal mandate. Much discussion was held. The DOT personnel will discuss the concerns of the citizens at their meeting and will strive to come up with a solution to the problems.
Mark Meyer, Director of Equalization, presented a plat for Kathy Zoss. By recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board, motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve the plat. Motion carried.
Meyer also presented two conservation perpetual easement plats for Jim Rogers. The first plat is Rogers’ Conservation Easement Tract A in E/2NW/4 30-108-60 and the second is Roger’s Conservation Easement Tract B in Gov’t Lots 1 and 2; Tract C in Gov’t Lots 1 and 2 and in E/2NW/4/ and Tract D in E/2NW/4 31-108-60.
By recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board, motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by S. Larson, to accept the easements. Roll call vote was taken. Ebersdorfer, aye; P. Larson, aye; S. Larson, aye; Blindauer, nay; Ohlrogge, aye. Motion carried.
Auditor Larson reported that the grant money for Emergency Management has not been issued; therefore the Emergency Management fund has a negative balance. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Ohlrogge, to transfer $5,000.00 from General Fund to Emergency Management. Motion carried.
The contract for Prisoner Care with Minnehaha Jail was presented. The contract will be from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 for $80.20 per day. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve the contract. Motion carried.
James Schwartz and Matt Johnson of the SD Department of Transportation met with the board to request an easement on Lots 1 and 12 in Block 31 of Original Town of Woonsocket, which are the corners of the courthouse property on the north side. The state will be installing handicapped accessible sidewalks on each corner at no cost to the county. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to grant the easement. Motion carried.
Motion by Blindauer, seconded by S. Larson, to accept the reports and pay the following bills. Motion carried.
Auditor and Treasurer in all accounts  $2,417,768.02
Register of Deeds $4,210.25
Claims as follows:
Towns, Townships, Schools, T&C, JR Water, Monthly Remittance $67,924.05
Office of Child Support, Wage Garnishment $240.00.
Accounts Management, Inc., Wage Garnishment $227.32
First National Bank SD, Tax Liability $1,891.55
Avera Health Plans, Insurance $13,213.16
AFLAC, Insurance $1,503.07
AFLAC, Insurance $263.91
Office of Child Support, Wage Garnishment $100.00
SD Retirement System, Retirement $7,698.88
SD Retirement System, Spouse Option $35.91
Small Business, Insurance $76.00
Sanborn County, Real Estate/Lien $460.45
EMC National Life Company, Life Insurance $445.10
First National Bank, Tax Liability $11,011.58
EMC National Life Company,  Life Insurance $32.40
Sanborn County Treasurer, Taxes in Trust $3,847.65
First National Bank SD, Tax Liability $443.55
A-Ox Welding Supply, Oxygen Cylinder $34.62
Alpena Fire Department, Fire Premium Distribution $279.77
Ameripride Services, Inc., Mats, Mops, Towels $130.45
Artesian Fire Department, Fire Premium Distribution $2,671.18
AT&T, Cell Phone $178.27
Beadle County Sheriff, Prisoner Care $320.00
Beck Ace Hardware, Supplies $19.99
Bowes Construction, Crushed Rock $4,850.56
Butler Equipment Co., Latch $75.02
Olinger Trucking, LLC, Repairs $315.74
Carthage Fire Department, Fire Premium Distribution $400.09
Central Electric Cooperative, Repairs $584.94
Mary Collins, 4-H Building Caretaker $200.00
Commercial Asphalt, Patch Mix $623.92
Center for Education & Employment Law, Supplies $254.95
Dakota Two-Way, Repairs $79.75
Dawson Construction, Inc., Garbage $216.87
Department of Revenue, Blood Alcohol Test $157.00
Sue Dise, Travel Expense $338.00
Department of Motor Vehicles, Transfer Plate $5.00
Express 2, Fuel $419.85
Express Stop, Fuel $164.08
Farnams Genuine Parts, Supplies $444.19
First National Bank Omaha, Recovered Stolen Property $20.00
General Equipment & Supplies, Supplies $1,270.95
Growmark, Inc., Supplies $718.20
Heil Electric, Inc., Supplies $68.06
KO’s Pro Service, Repairs $431.29
Larson & Nipe, Office Expense $1,000.00
Letcher Fire Department,     Fire Premium Distribution $3,014.41
Local Lumber Co., Supplies $26.00
Lyle Signs, Signs $72.11
Minnehaha County Auditor,  Mental Illness Costs $75.00
Stephanie Moen & Associates, Deposition $61.00
Northern Truck Equipment, Supplies $3,353.56
NorthWestern Energy, Electricity $900.95
CNH Capital (Olson Implement), Repairs $141.13
Physicians Claims Company, Ambulance Service Fee 41.67
Maxine J. Risty, Court Reporter, Deposition $75.30
Santel Communications, Phone/Internet $964.63
Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publication Fees $220.02
Scott Supply Company, Supplies $997.94
Sheehan Mack, Supplies $33.44
Sanborn County Sheriff, Reimbursement $40.50
ETS Development Group DBA, Hosting Support $287.50
Spencer Quarries, Rip Rap $984.24
State Radio Communications, Teletype Service $2,250.00
T&C Fire Department, Fire Premium Distribution $4,310.71
Travis Coulthard, Replace Ballasts $1,043.80
Tiger Steel Mart, Inc., Iron $27.12
Titan Machinery of Sioux Falls, Supplies $18.62
True North Steel, Inc., Culvert $9,117.08
Verizon Wireless, Cell Phone $164.27
Waste Management, Garbage $263.47
Thomson Reuters-West, Books $354.75
Wheelco Brake & Supply, Inc., Solenoid $191.80
Woonsocket City, Sewer/Water $74.54
WW Tire Service, Inc., Supplies $1,010.64
X-Cel Energy Electricity 41.91
July payroll before deductions:
Commissioners    $2,708.35
Auditor        $4,469.84
Treasurer    $4,469.84
States Attorney    $3,101.98
Courthouse    $3,617.78
Assessor    $5,523.98
Register of Deeds
Sheriff        $10,133.11
Public Welfare    $74.16
Nurse        $1,891.72
Ambulance    $895.00
Extension Office    $1,446.12
Weed Salary    $1,182.11
Planning and Zoning
Road and Bridge
Emergency Management
Sobriety Testing     $338.16
There being no further business, motion by P. Larson, seconded by S. Larson, to adjourn the meeting. The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, August 20, 2013.
Diane Larson
Sanborn County

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