4-H members and the Woonsocket Elementary grades K-3 show off their green apparel worn in celebration of 4-H week.
Members of Sanborn County 4-H celebrated National 4-H Week this past week with presentations to the Woonsocket School elementary classes on what 4-H has to offer and the favorite project areas in 4-H. All were asked to wear green in support of the 4-H Week celebration.
The Town ‘N Kountry Kids 4-H Club handed out green

4-H members are pictured with Woonsocket Elementary grades 4-6 students following the 4-H week presentation.
caramel apple pops to the elementary and high school students and staff, and the TL Rangers 4-H Club gave out decorated pencils that said “Get the Lead Out… Join 4-H!” Elementary students were given 4-H coloring sheets to color for a coloring contest.