Union Farmhands 4-H Club

By Dillon Moore/Jarid Bechen, acting secretaries
The Union Farmhands 4-H Club met Sept. 22 in the home of Rachelle and Dillon Moore with Sarah Morgan hosting.
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Kelbi Dean.  The flag salute was led by Toby Kneen. Sarah Morgan led the 4-H pledge. Roll call was, “What was your Favorite 4-H Project?” and was answered by Catherine and Jarid Bechen, Kelbi Dean, Caleb and Toby Kneen, Dillon Moore, Sarah Morgan, Ashley and Austin Schmit and  Aubrey and Sawyer Senska. Kelbi Dean read the secretary’s report and Ashley Schmit gave the treasurer’s report.
Old business discussed was going over Achievement Days and the State Fair. The club also talked about the process of entering exhibits.
New business:  National 4-H week is Nov. 18-22.  Ideas were discussed on how to promote 4-H with focusing on kids that are going to soon be old enough to enroll. Sarah Morgan made a motion and Catherine Bechen seconded the motion to purchase four dozen donuts for the teachers and green caramel suckers for kids. Ashley Schmit will get the donuts and Kelbi Dean will purchase suckers. The older members of the club will be a part of the group to present these to the classes.
Project sweepstake papers were handed out and everyone was reminded that record books are due Oct. 1.  An idea for a Christmas ornament for members to make was shared.  It was decided to hold off on this and everyone can share an idea at the next meeting with different skill levels.
Ashley Schmit made a motion, seconded by Sawyer Senska, to keep doing the Community Calendars. Rachelle Moore will get the letter ready for the sponsors and the club will address envelopes at the next meeting.
The following demonstrations/illustrated talks were given: Kelbi Dean – “Forever Roses”; Austin Schmit – “Welded Flower from Horseshoes”; Toby Kneen – “Parts of a Bow”; Sawyer and Aubrey Senska – “How to make Goop”; Jarid Bechen – “Cowboy Horseshoes Welded Cross”.
Kelbi Dean and Sarah Morgan motioned to adjourn the meeting. The next meeting will be held at the Moore’s on Oct. 6 at 2 p.m. with Ashley and Austin Schmit. Aubrey and Sawyer Senska are hosting.

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