PICTURED ARE the 2012-13 Woonsocket Chapter FFA members, back row: Ty Swenson, Ashlynne Terkildsen, Lacey Christensen, McKenzy Peterson, Nathan Linke, Destiny Brick, Ty Ziebart, Taylor Burkel, Aaron Linke and Charlie Enfield; middle row: Corrie Snedeker, Jonathan Linke, Colton Hotchkiss, Wyatt Feistner, Jacob Fouberg, Drew Olinger, Jacob Rosemore, Tate Ziebart, and Dayna Opsahl; front row: Advisor Shane Gross, 2012-13 State FFA President Taylor Leonhardt, Rex Schlicht, Tayla Weber, Brady Tiede, Shaun Snedeker, Riley Schmiedt, Shay Swenson, Michele Carda, Garrett Larson and Jastyn Ford.
The Woonsocket FFA Chapter held its annual Awards Banquet on May 14.
President Jonathan Linke called the meeting to order followed by opening ceremonies with current officers Vice President Rex Schlicht, Secretary Tayla Weber, Treasurer Corrie Snedeker, Reporter Lacey Christensen, Student Advisor Ashlynne Terkildsen, and Sentinel Brady Tiede.
Guest speaker Taylor Leonhardt of Groton, 2012-2013 SD FFA State President, was welcomed. She gave a talk about taking advantage of the opportunities we have in life, especially those we find through FFA.
FFA members were recognized for awards they had received throughout the past FFA year while competing in area events.
In the fall Land and Range judging at Wessington Springs, Jonathan Linke received 14th place.
Awards received at the fall District 4 Leadership CDEs (Career Development Events) were: Ag Sales team third place – Riley Schmiedt, Aaron Linke and Charlie Enfield; and Job Interview – Rex Schlicht eighth and Lacey Christensen 10th.
The main fundraising events of the year are Crystallex and Fruit Sales. The Crystallex card fundraiser raised $1,140 with top salesperson Riley Schmiedt who sold $500 in cards. Fruit sales raised $3,200. Top individual salesman was Colton Hotchkiss with $1,400 and top family sales were the Linke’s with $1,800.

PICTURED IS the first place FFA Livestock Judging Team that is headed to Lewisville, Ky. to compete at the National Convention this fall: Nathan Linke, Aaron Linke, Riley Schmiedt and Jonathan Linke.
Spring CDE’s awards are as follows:
Redfield: Livestock Judging – Aaron Linke fourth individual and fourth place team – J. Linke, A. Linke, Riley Schmiedt, N. Linke; Horse Judging – seventh place team, Charlie Enfield, Ashlynne Terkildsen, Michele Carda.
DeSmet: Agronomy – Shay Swenson 28th place, Wyatt Feistner 41st; Floriculture – Taylor Burkel 24th place; eighth place team; Horse Judging – Carda 19th place; Livestock Judging – J. Linke fifth place, A. Linke sixth, Schmiedt 28th, N. Linke 40th and team – second place; Natural Resources – Garrett Larson 35th.
Little I: Livestock Judging – A. Linke 17th place, J. Linke – 38th; Team – 13th.
FFA members competing at the State FFA Convention in Brookings were recognized. Woonsocket had eight teams and 26 team members competing.
On the Milk Quality and Products team, Schlicht placed 46th individually. On the Natural Resources team, Brady Tiede was 69th.

PRESIDENT JONATHAN Linke presents Rex Schlicht with the Chapter Star Greenhand award. Jonathan was the recipient of the Chapter Star Farmer award.
The Livestock Judging Team placed first with team members placing individually as follows: J. Linke fifth, Schmiedt 12th, A. Linke 27th and N. Linke 106th. Placing first qualifies them to compete at the National Convention this fall.
Corrie Snedeker received his State Degree. The State FFA Degree is the highest degree the South Dakota State Association can bestow upon a member. FFA members must keep accurate SAE (Supervised Agriculture Experience) record books, complete the State FFA Degree application and meet all qualifications in order to be awarded the State FFA Degree. Snedeker’s SAE consisted of agricultural placement, working on his family farm.
J. Linke was selected as this year’s State Star Greenhand, which recognizes Greenhand FFA members for having an exemplary SAE program and outstanding FFA involvement. Fourteen district finalists were narrowed down to four state level finalists. The four finalists took part in an interview during State Convention to determine the State Star Greenhand award winner.
Awards were also given at the local level. This year’s Chapter Greenhand Degree recipients were: Christensen, Jastyn Ford, Jacob Fouberg, Garrett Larson, McKenzy Peterson, Schlicht, Tiede and Tayla Weber. Schlicht was chosen as the Chapter Star Greenhand.

TREASURER CORRIE Snedeker has the honor of presenting his parents, Mark and Lisa Snedeker, with the Honorary Chapter Degree.
Chapter Degree recipients were Carda, Joseph Davis, Neil Kleppin, J. Linke, Jacob Rosemore, Ty Swenson, Ashlynne Terkildsen and Tate Ziebart.
Chapter Stars are chosen from among the Chapter Degree recipients. Chosen as the Star Farmer, which is a member that has an exemplary entrepreneurship SAE in production agriculture, was J. Linke.
The Star in Ag Placement is a member who has an outstanding placement SAE in some aspect of agriculture. Chosen as this year’s Chapter Star in Ag Placement was Ty Swenson.
The FFA awards the Honorary Chapter Degree to a deserving member of the community. The Honorary Degree is presented to those who have rendered outstanding service to advance agricultural education and the FFA. This year’s award was presented to Mark and Lisa Snedeker.
Installation of 2013-14 officers was presented by Advisor Shane Gross. Next year’s officers are President J. Linke, Vice President Schlicht, Secretary Tayla Weber, Treasurer Shay Swenson, Sentinel A. Linke, Reporter Ashlynne Terkildsen, Parliamentarian Colton Hotchkiss and Student Advisor Ty Swenson.
The Banquet ended with closing ceremonies. The next event for the Woonsocket FFA Chapter is the barbecue meal that will be served on the Fourth of July following the parade. The FFA members look forward to seeing you all there.