HORIZON EMPLOYEES present the Sanborn Central Snack Pack Program a check. Left to right: Bobbi White, LaMae Peterson, Dawn Rassel, Shelly Selland, Judy Wormstadt, Sandi Ruml, Sara Adams, Tambi Wormstadt, Wanda Swenson, Linda Whitney, Wanda Effling and Nancy Sullivan.
Horizon Health Care, Inc. (Horizon) employees have the opportunity to voluntarily contribute to a special fund for charitable donations by payroll deduction throughout the year.
“Giving back to our communities is important to the employees of Horizon, and at this time of year we are especially happy to help support local organizations and causes.” said Shelly Selland,CNP.
This year the staff from Whiting Memorial Community Health Center (CHC) chose to donate half of their funds to the Sanborn Central Snack Pack Program, with the other half being donated to the Bethany Lutheran Church. Both of these organizations will use the money to help pay back the Snack Program.
In recent years, donations from Whiting Memorial CHC staff have gone towards the, Sanborn County Ambulance, Sanborn County Veteran Memorial, lighted nativity fund for Lake Prior island, Woonsocket Development

HORIZON HEALTH Care employees present Bethany Lutheran Church members their donation. Pictured are Bobbi White, Patti Larson and Diane Larson from St. Wilfrids, LaMae Peterson and Dawn Rassel.
Corporation, Woonsocket City and the Sanborn County Ambulance.
Horizon Health Care employee contributors: Tom Dean, MD, Lori Feller, human resouces specialist/recruiter; Lance Lim, MD; LaMae Peterson, MA; Dawn Rassel, MA; Shelly Selland, CNP; Bobbi White, CMA; and Gin Wingen, Director of Clinical Informatics.
The Sanborn County Snack Pack program was started in the fall this year, and has been quite successful so far. Committees from area churches have come together to organize this needed program and each church prepares the packs on a monthly rotation. The packs include five easy-to-prepare food items that are sent home each Friday with eligible students.
To date, the groups are preparing 16 snack packs for the Sanborn Central School and 10 for Woonsocket School per week. There are many more students who qualify to receive them and the committee wants to encourage parents to contact the school to complete the required form so that their child or children can receive this service.