Meghan Chada, Haley Degen and Chloe Degen making Christmas centerpieces following the instructions and materials provided by Kathy Baade.
The Town ‘N Kountry kids blue group met Dec. 1 at the 4-H building. The meeting was called to order by vice-president Haley Degen. The pledges were led by Meghan Chada.
Committee reports were: National 4-H week by Mason Moody, American Education Week by Ashlee and Ellie.
Old business included the vender event on Dec. 7.

Club members enjoyed making sugar cone trees with frosting and decorations. Eating them was most fun.
New business: tree decorating committees of Brady, Haley, Ellie and Briar. Members completed online registrations. It was decided to have gifts for the graduating members to be presented in December.
The club will be sponsoring a Community Christmas on Dec. 23 at 5:30 p.m. at the Letcher Community Center. Committee members are Ashlee, Meghan, Alexis, Jenna and Renee.
The next meeting will be Jan. 19, 2014 at 12:30 p.m. at the Letcher Community Center.
Alexis Kelley gave a demonstration on how to clean a toaster.
The club members enjoyed making Christmas centerpieces presented by Kathy Baade. Members also did some scrapbooking and made sugar cone Christmas trees. Lunch was served by Brady Larson and Ashlee Hanson.