Club members made Christmas evergreen centerpieces and Cloverbuds made Christmas trees and wreaths. Pictured are back rows: Nick Snedeker, Evan and Elliott Ohlrogge, Aaron and Megan Linke, Riley Schmiedt, Trista White, Nathan and Jonathan Linke, Brooklyn Swenson, Collin Schmiedt, Shaun Snedeker, Spens and Rex Schlicht; front row: Dilyn Brooks, Kaitlyn Swenson, Eli and Kaylee White, Emily Ohlrogge and London Metzger.
The Town ‘n Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on Dec. 15 at the Woonsocket Community Center. Prior to the meeting, club members prepared Christmas cards to send to their elderly friends.
The meeting was called to order by President Jonathan Linke. The flag pledge was led by Shaun Snedeker and the 4-H pledge was led by Brooklyn Swenson. Rex Schlicht led roll call with 20 members answering the question, “What is your favorite part of Christmas?” They welcomed new Cloverbud members Kaitlyn Swenson, Eli White and London Metzger.
The secretary’s report was read by Aaron Linke and approved as presented. The treasurer’s report was given by Elliott Ohlrogge and approved as presented.
For committee reports, Dilyn Brooks told about decorating the Christmas tree at the courthouse with pictures of 4-H members for the theme of “This is What Sanborn County 4-H Looks Like!” Members discussed the results of how the club celebrated and recognized school staff during American Education Week.
Under old business, the club made plans for who will help with the community service project to build static exhibit display units at the Stacy Eddy residence on Dec. 23 at 9 a.m. The club will receive a Modern Woodmen grant of $500 to help with the cost of the units.
The Christmas Caring project is collecting boxes of cereal for the

4-H Members decorated a tree at the courthouse for the Christmas Parade of Trees: Megan, Aaron and Jonathan Linke; Morgan Schmiedt, Emily Ohlrogge, Dilyn Brooks, Evan and Elliott Ohlrogge.
Sanborn County Food Pantry. There are collection spots at First National Bank SD, where the club is building a “cereal tree” and at Woony Foods and the Courthouse.
For new business, the club talked about needing to write thank yous to 4-H sponsors.
Members discussed options for fun activities. It was decided that they will schedule a bowling night in Mitchell and a rock climbing trip to SDSU. Leader Paula Linke will check on some dates.
The club talked about other community service projects they might do, like helping put together Food Pantry boxes at the courthouse.
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday, Jan. 20.
Following the meeting, 4-H members learned about judging muffins from Leader Paula.
Next, Leader Janet Maeschen led a project for each 4-H member to make a Christmas evergreen centerpiece. Cloverbud members made Christmas trees and wreaths.
Riley Schmiedt presented a talk, “All About Beef.” Dilyn gave an illustrated talk about the photography project.
The day ended with a Christmas activity led by Brooklyn where the group divided into teams to see who could make the best “live snowman.”