Choir members from Sanborn Central and Woonsocket High Schools participated in the Region V Vocal Contest at Kimball on Feb. 11.
All music for choral ensembles, small groups and vocal solos must be performed from memory to receive a rating. Scoring sheet points are totaled and soloists earning superior ratings are awarded gold medals, while each member of a Division I ensemble is awarded a gold pin.
Students bringing home the gold are Sanborn Central’s soprano/alto vocal ensemble, soloist, Tamra Mann and the Woonsocket High School mixed vocal group.

THE WOONSOCKET School mixed vocal group is pictured above. Left to right: Jonathan Linke, Dayna Opsahl, Alissa Ball, Abby Doering, Tayla Weber, Andrea Bravo, Colton Hotchkiss, Brady Tiede; front row: Riley Schmiedt, Rex Schlicht, Savannah Swenson, Tristan Ziebart, Ashlynne Terkildsen, Sydney Zeller, Shay Swenson and Nathan Linke.