SC/W FFA competes at District Contest

By Nathan Linke, Reporter

Pictured is the newly elected District 4 FFA Officer Team with State Officers Jordanne Howe and Shane Gross.  Aaron Linke (back row, second from left) of the SCW FFA Chapter was chosen as the Reporter.

Pictured is the newly elected District 4 FFA Officer Team with State Officers Jordanne Howe and Shane Gross. Aaron Linke (back row, second from left) of the SCW FFA Chapter was chosen as the Reporter.

The Sanborn Central/Woonsocket FFA chapter competed in the District 4 Leadership CDE (Career Development Event) on Nov. 9 in Mitchell.
FFA members prepared for this event weeks in advance, which resulted in two Sanborn Central/Woonsocket FFA teams qualifying to compete at the State Leadership CDEs. In order to be eligible for State Leadership CDEs, a team had to place first or second in a team event or in the top three in an individual event. The Parli Pro team and the Ag Issues team qualified to compete at the State contest.
In addition to the competitive CDEs, 16 district officer candidates were interviewed. Sanborn Central/Woonsocket FFA member Aaron Linke was selected to serve as the District 4 Reporter.
The results for the 2015 District 4 CDE’s are as follows:
Parli Pro – second team – Aaron Linke (President), Tyler Johnson (Vice President), Trevor Olson (Sentinel), Bailey Schmiedt (Student Advisor), Nathan Linke (Secretary), Trent Kingsbury (Reporter), Garrett Dean (Treasurer).
Ag Issues – second team – Jared Goldammer, Abby Doering, Callie Bezpaletz, Tristan Ziebart.
FFA members also participated in the following CDEs: Ag Broadcasting – Sydney Zeller; Job Interview – Dayna Opsahl; FFA Creed Speaking – Jena Hanson, Madi Moody; Ag Sales Team – Ty Ziebart, Drew Olinger, Riley Schmiedt, Alissa Ball; Marketing Plan Team – Catherine Bechen, Sarah Morgan, Abby Vermeulen.
The State Leadership CDE contest was held in Pierre on Dec. 6-7.

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